At the end of your questionnaire, would you like to redirect your respondents to your website? With the Feedback Management solution, you have the option of setting up a redirection to a particular website once a respondent has validated their answers to the questionnaire.
How do I set up a redirection on my questionnaire?
To set up a redirect to a website of your choice, I invite you to follow the process below.
When you have configured all the pages and questions of your questionnaire, you need to add a "tracking code" after the last"button" of your questionnaire on the last page.
- When you're on the last page of your questionnaire, click on "add item" then "Content" and finally "Tracking code".
- Once the "tracking code" element has been added, you need to configure it by adding the following code in the area provided:
<!\-- reload page after 5 seconds \-->
<script text="text/javascript"> setTimeout(function(){
document.location = 'TARGET PAGE URL'; },5000) ;</script>
In the code above, you need to add the URL of your target page in place of the ='TARGET PAGE URL';.
Example with the Skeepers site :
<!\-- reload page after 5 seconds \-->
<script text="text/javascript"> setTimeout(function(){
document.location = ''; },5000) ;</script> - Once you've finished configuring the "Tracking code" element, don't forget to validate.
How to adjust the redirection delay to my website at the end of the questionnaire?
You want to modify the redirection delay to your website after a respondent has completed your questionnaire. In fact, you can configure this delay to be 2, 3, 5, or 10 seconds. To do this, here are the steps to achieve optimal configuration.
- Identical to the steps below, simply modify the code you added in the "tracking code".
<!\-- reload page after 5 seconds \-->
<script text="text/javascript"> setTimeout(function(){
document.location = 'TARGET PAGE URL'; },5000) ;</script> - On the first line, you can replace the number of seconds with 2,3,4,6, ect. Then, on the third line, you must also replace the number.
- Here's an example for a 8 second redirect delay.
<!\-- reload page after 8 seconds \-->
<script text="text/javascript"> setTimeout(function(){
document.location = 'TARGET PAGE URL'; }8000) ;</script> - Don't forget to save!