Create a recipient on your Skeepers Feedback Management account

As mentioned in our article Access management overview, you have autonomy in managing access to your organization's Skeepers Feedback Management account.

Administrators (also called account operational managers) are the only people authorized to freely manage the creation, modification, and deletion of recipients. Skeepers imposes no restrictions on the number of recipients allowed on an account. The only restriction is that an email address must be linked to only one Skeepers account : either a user account or a recipient account.

Glossary of access management

A Skeepers Feedback Management account is the space dedicated to your organization on the Feedback Management platform. There are three types of accounts: 

  • A standard account is a typical account dedicated to a company/entity, which has no interaction with another Skeepers Feedback Management account.
  • A parent account is a "super account" that oversees several child accounts. This type of account is common for large international groups that want easy access to the content of their national entities, branches, or own brands.
  • A child account is a standard account linked to a parent account.

A user is an individual access to your organization's Skeepers account on the Feedback Management platform. It is possible to assign a number of rights and roles to a user.

A recipient is an individual access limited to certain shared elements. The elements shared with recipients (notably dashboards) are initiated by a user or an administrator. Technically, a recipient is a user with extremely restricted rights limited to read-only access without any modification possible on the platform.

An administrator (also known as the account operations manager) is a "super user" who holds admin access to your organization's Skeepers account on the Feedback Management platform. They are usually designated at the beginning of the partnership with Skeepers. Subsequently, they manage the creation and management of Skeepers Feedback Management access on your organization's account. They hold this right : 

For any addition or change of administrator on your organization's Skeepers Feedback Management account, please communicate this information to your Customer Success Manager or the Customer Care team.

A right is an authorization, a privilege assigned to a user or a recipient. Depending on whether the element is checked or unchecked, the user will be able to access a feature or not. Only administrators can influence the rights of users and recipients.

Create a single recipient manually

As a user, you can view the recipients of your organization's account. However, only an administrator can create new recipients or modify access for existing recipients. To do so, click at the top right of the platform to open the panel where you can choose to access your user account settings, the Skeepers Feedback Management account settings for your organization, or log out of the platform.


In the settings for your organization's account, open the 'Recipients' tab. Here you will find the list of all recipients created on your organization's Skeepers account. Then click the 'Add new recipient' button.

On this page, complete the required fields including languages and properties (which you have previously configured in the 'Settings' section of the platform). Then choose whether the password will be automatically generated or customized according to your needs.

Then, select the adequate right for the recipient. Check our dedicated article to find out which right is appropriate for each recipient profile.

Once you save the page, an email will be sent to the provided email address. We recommend that the recipient allows emails from the address "" beforehand and checks the spam folder if necessary. The email will be sent in the language set up on the recipient's profile.

Import one or more recipients to the platform

As an administrator, you have the option to import recipients in bulk into the platform via a CSV file import.

To do this, you just have to click on the top right of the platform to open the panel where you can choose to access the configuration of your user account, the configuration of your organization's Skeepers Feedback Management account, or to log out of the platform.


In the account's settings, open the 'Recipients' tab. You will find the list of all recipients created on your organization's Skeepers account. Then press the 'Actions' button.

Then download the CSV import template and complete it. The columns starting from column H are optional and correspond to the properties created on your account.

If you want to add multiple property values for a recipient, simply separate the values in the same cell using a pipe "|" like this : 


Once the CSV file is filed and ready, click on the 'Actions' button and choose 'Import your CSV file'.

You can then choose whether the passwords for the new recipients will be generated automatically or not, and whether the password will be sent to the email provided for each recipient. Click on the 'Import from your CSV file' button.

If the import file is correct, all you have to do is click on the 'Confirm Import' button, and your recipients will be automatically created with the completed information and default rights enabled.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our Customer Care team.


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