Assign weight or category to answers

Assigning a weight or category to your responses allows you to highlight the importance of each question. At the end of the questionnaire, an automatic calculation will summarize the results, providing an overall view of the collected responses.

Weights and categories are valuable tools for calculating scores, defining profiles, or even determining product preferences.

In this article, you will learn how to:

  • Configure categories
  • Configure weights



Assigning a category allows you to group different response options to define a respondent profile or enrich a persona. For each question, you associate the most relevant profile. At the end of the questionnaire, the most frequent category is automatically calculated based on the number of responses in each category.

To configure a category, you need to:

  1. Navigate to your campaign and then to the page of your questionnaire where you want to add a category.
  2. To add a category, click on the question and then on the "gear" symbol next to each possible response.

  3. In the Response Settings, add a category by clicking on Add.

For example, we have added categories to the response options for the question 'I decide to renew my wardrobe,' with a 'Compulsive' category for response option No. 2.



Once the categories are saved, you can create scenarios to redirect participants to pages that correspond to their profiles (for example, a compulsive page, a pragmatic page, and an addict page). In this example, profiles are defined based on the previously added categories. Here, we have chosen to redirect participants with a pragmatic profile to the pragmatic page.




A weight.

Assigning different values to responses allows you to calculate a result based on the sum or average of the provided answers. You assign a weight to each response, whether it is correct/incorrect or important/unimportant. Based on your clients' responses, you can direct them to a specific question or page while they are answering.

The final score is automatically calculated and weighted according to the values you have assigned to each response.

To set a weight, you need to:

  1. Go to your campaign and select the question to which you want to add a weight.
  2. To add a weight, click on the question and then on the "gear" icon next to each possible response.

  3. In the Response Option Settings, add a weight and remember to 'confirm.

You can now configure scenarios and actions based on the assigned weights.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Customer Care team.

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