Configure "media field" elements

To make your surveys more interactive, use the media field to allow your respondents to upload image files directly into the survey. These files can then be retrieved and analyzed in your raw data visualizations.


The media field is a survey element, found in the list of input boxes, that allows respondents to upload an image file directly into the survey.

The uses of this element are numerous :

  • Report a claim
  • Attach a photo of a defective product
  • Identify a technical issue with a screenshot
  • Report an on-site incident with a photo
  • Participate in a competition game
  • Verify voucher or supporting documentation
  • Track the progress of a project
  • etc.

Image files uploaded in your surveys will be available in raw data visualizations and feedbacks.



  • A media field allows the upload of only one file at a time
  • Accepted image formats are: PNG, JPEG, GIF, and PDF
  • The maximum file size per file is 60 MB
  • Files are stored for the same duration as a standard feedback (2 years by default)
  • In campaign feedbacks, files can be downloaded by clicking on their item (except for PDF files)
  • In raw data visualizations and dashboards, files can be viewed and downloaded by opening the link for the answer and feedback
  • The respondent cannot take a live photo ; they can only upload an existing file


To add a media field to your survey, go to your campaign, under the "Content" tab, and click the "Add new item" button at the bottom of the page.

In the available input boxes elements, choose "Media field".

Then configure your new media field. You can, for instance, add a help text in the "Advanced settings" tab.

We recommend adding details about the media field in the help text or in the rich content preceding the media field.


Here is an illustration of the media field, its use, and its analysis.

  • In a survey :

  • In your campaign feedback :

  • Via the direct URL of your feedback :

  • In a raw data visualization integrated into a dashboard :


If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Customer Care team.


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