What is a raw data vizualisation ?

A raw data visualization corresponds to the display of answers (feedback) from a campaign.

It is a report format that presents the information gathered from your surveys in its raw, unprocessed state, without any transformation or formatting.

Presentation of a raw data visualization

Thanks to raw data visualization, you can have a micro view of respondent feedbacks, with each row representing a feedback containing all their answers as well as the information collected by Skeepers (answers, button clicks, verbatims, attributes, sources, context, etc.).

Unlike an indicator (defined here), there is no specificity in terms of graphical formatting : raw data takes the form of a table where each completed column details information collected in the feedback.

You can choose between a default formatting including all answers and collected attributes or custom columns to display only specific information (unique ID, verbatim, etc.).

Use of a raw data visualization

You can use your raw data visualizations to : 

By default, survey answers (feedback) and the personal data attached to them are accessible on Skeepers for a period of 2 years. This retention period is justified for the purpose of conducting statistical studies. We recommend to extract regularly the feedbacks via a raw data export to be able to store them in the secure environment of your choice. Please read our dedicated article if needed.

If your raw data visualization appears blurry every other row, it means that it includes test data (how to use the Test mode) : 

Set up a raw data visualization

Do you want to set up your own raw data visualization ? Check out our dedicated article which details each setup step.

Need to share your exports? Check out our articles on sharing raw data by email or by FTP.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Customer Care team.


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