How to configure and use the tables of values of indicators ?

An indicator is the result of one (or more) query (s). It will help to restore a value that meets an analysis objective.

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When you configure an indicator, a table of values is available below your indicator.

  • This table can be used as a rendering format in a report or a dashboard.
  • This table of values is available in XLSX format for your exports from the indicator, the dashboard or in the report sharing.

You can configure this table when you customize your indicator.

To customise the displayed values, the options below are available in the tab "Value":

  • Decimal places: Choose the number of decimal places displayed;
  • Show base: Display the base on hover or in the table of values in parentheses
  • Display the percentage: Display the percentage in parentheses for each of the values in the case of an indicator without calculation within the table.

You can select other options in the tab "Table ":

  • Display Headers: Hide or show table headers
  • Label of the first dimension, of the second dimension, of the statistic: Modify the text of the headers
  • Display totals: Hide or show totals
  • Merge tables: Merge tables in the case of an indicator containing several queries


  • This table can be used as a rendering format in a report or a dashboard.

  • This table of values is available in XLSX format for your exports from the indicator, the dashboard or in the report sharing by clicking on "Export values in XLSX format" or by selecting "Report in XLSX format" from sharing reports.

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