Feeding a GSheet file via a webhook, in post-feedback action
The new Google Sheets webhook allows you to create a new line in a Google Sheets file, automatically and with each new answer collected by Skeepers!
So, use the raw customer answers available in your Google Sheets file to:
- Viewing data in Google Data Studio
- Share raw answers with your employees
- Power your third-party web applications connected to Google
The following articles will help you throughout the configuration:
- Information about Spreadsheet_Id(external Google link)
- Google Sheets API(external Google link)
- API Library(external Google link)
- Google Console(external Google link)
- Using variables in Skeepers(french version)
- How to Use webhooks
- Configure post-feedback actions
Set up a webhook using the Google Sheets template
Go to SettingsWebhooksGoogle Sheets
Click on Integrate
In the URL field, indicate the Spreadsheet_Id, as indicated:
You can find it in the URL of your GSheet file:
For more information about Spreadsheet_Id, see this page.
Choose an OAuth Authentication
You don't have authentication?
To create a new authentication, enter the items listed below:
To generate your identifiers (Client id and Secret),
- Visit https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/library
- Search Google Sheets
- Then activate Google Sheets API
- Create your login details on https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/dashboard
- Retrieve the codes provided
You can insert the values generated above in the corresponding fields.
Then, indicate the rest of the requested information (Authorization url, Token url and Authorization parameters).
Continue configuration
Once your authentication has been created and selected, you can customize the content of your webhook.
We have added by default the values [#feedback.id], [#campaign.name] and [#answer], but you can modify these values with those that best suit your needs. To learn how to use variables, see the dedicated article.
These values correspond to the information that will be added to each column of your Google Sheets file. Feel free to add new ones if necessary.
Use the webhook
To trigger your webhook and feed your Google Sheets file, configure your Webhook post-answer action.
Select the Google Sheets webhook and indicate the value of the variables used
Check that your trigger criteria match your needs.
Your action is well configured and your webhook is ready to be triggered!
Example of adding data to a Google Sheets file: