Optimize your data collection and frame the answer choices for Date and Time questions
You can now adapt the date/time answers to your needs, based on:
- An exact date, sliding date or a fixed period (example: only offer date choices before January 2000, to collect the birthday of people having 18+ years old).
- Exact hours, sliding hours or hours range (example: only display the opening hours of your customer service when you offer a callback to a dissatisfied customer).
1/ Date field question
Within your campaign, the setting is made when configuring a Date field,
In the Restriction mode submenu,
You can choose from 3 options to frame your respondent's answer. Each of them can be configured with dates before or after the answer.
a) Exact dates
Example: Selection of a date by the respondent to indicate the date of his visit to the shop during the last week of Christmas promotions, from December 17 to 24.
b) Sliding dates
Example: selection by the respondent of a date, as part of an online post-purchase survey, sent to D+3 of the delivery of an order. It is therefore possible for the respondent to indicate a date on D-3 of his answer (delivery date) up to + 7 days (maximum desired answer date).
c) Fixed periods
Example: selection by the respondent of a date of availability for an installation intervention at home, among the days when your company is open.
2/ Time field question
Within your campaign, the setting is made when configuring a Time field,
In the Restriction mode submenu,
You can choose from 3 options to frame your respondent's answer. Each of them can be configured with times before or after the answer.
a) Exact times
Example: selection of a schedule by the respondent (hours/minutes) to indicate his availability for a call back by your sales department, during the service's opening hours.
b) Sliding hours
Example: selection by the respondent of the time of occurrence of an incident, as part of a call back by your telephone assistance dedicated to claims occurring in the last 2 hours.
c) Hours range
Example: selection by the respondent of a preferred time for an appointment in an agency, from among your available slots.