Thanks to the Loop feature, it is possible to iterate questions in your campaign according to an attribute. For example, I want to collect feedback on several products associated with the same order.
Note : This feature is only relevant in the context of a loop.
Before starting to read this article, we advise you to familiarise yourself with the notion of attribute, by consulting the following articles:
When you are collecting responses in a loop and the loop is based on an attribute and not a multiple choice question, your segment must contain an attribute of type Object or an attribute of another type allowing multiple values.
An iteration will occur for each attribute value. For each iteration, all questions included in the loop are displayed (respecting the conditions used).
Thanks to the attributes of type "Object" you can link several properties to your attribute.
Let's take for example the attribute "Product" which contains a list of values representing the products in the catalogue. The campaign will display the question "Are you satisfied with the product ..." for each product associated with this answer. 3 properties will be associated with these answers: Product ID, Product name, Product category
Warning: Email or SMS broadcasts via MFB are not compatible with object attributes.
- Create an object attribute
- In the Side Menu, click on Tracking then Attributes.
- Now click on "Create a new Attribute" at the top right.
- To set up your Attribute, give it a name (and the System Name will be automatically filled in, you can change it).
- Optional: Filling in the "Description" box will make it easier to remember its function and will help you (and your colleagues) to recognise it later.
- All you have to do now is choose an Attribute type, here Object.
Note: In the case of an attribute of type Object, it is not possible to select a default value and the attribute always allows several values.
- Then Save
Creating properties on attributes of type Object
Once your attribute has been created, you simply need to associate properties with it.
For example, let's take the "product" attribute which contains a list of values representing all the products offered by a merchant. You can attach properties to your attribute.
For example, in the case of Product, we will create 3 properties:
- Product ID
- Product name
- Product category
Each of these properties will be attached to your responses and will allow you to customise your campaign or analyse your responses based on this information. For example, the product ID "123456" corresponds to the product name "Blue III washing machine" in the category "Washing machines". For example, you could personalise your campaign by specifying the product name to the respondent "Are you satisfied with the Blue III washing machine?" and displaying this question "Were you satisfied with the quality of the spinning?
How do I collect my object attribute values?
It is possible to collect these properties via 3 sources: