How to add or modify pages

Your campaign is composed of pages. You can find your different pages on the left column named "Pages". Your current page is marked with a red ribbon.

To add a new page to your campaign, click on the “Add” button at the bottom of the column.

To modify the name of your page, click on your page name (or on the pencil) in the main frame and change it to the new name.

Click on the red check icon to validate it.

Duplicate a page

To duplicate a Page, simply click on the Duplicate button between the gear and the cross in the upper right corner of the main area.

Delete a page

Click on the cross at the top right of your sruvey page to delete a page.

Manage a page

Click on the wheel of your survey page to manage a page.

Moving pages

To change the order of the Pages, click on the page to be moved and drag and drop it to the desired position.


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