The multi-questions dimension allows you to showcase some answers that you want to compare, since they are in common to multiple questions
The multi-questions dimension allows you to showcase some answers that you want to compare, since they are in common to multiple questions.
This dimension is relevant if you use rating items or a matrix of questions.
Open your report and add a Question dimension, based on various answers.
All you have left to do here is to define which questions are interesting to you to finalize the configuration of the first dimension.
You can immediately create a second dimension (in the same window) in order to gather the answers and to associate them with the questions you just selected.
Choose which answers you want to display.
You have thus crossed the dimensions and you can see the resulting chart.
On the ordinate you can see the number of answers for each value (represented here by colorful histograms) and on the abscissa the two questions : A related to hospitality and politeness, and B related to the answer the advisor has given.
Lastly, in the caption, you can see the satisfaction grades from 1 to 4.
You can see the comparative table a bit lower there.
If you wish, you can switch up the dimensions so you can have a different global overview.
On the abscissa, you can see the answer to each question (that represents the grading scale from 1 to 4), then graphically the questions (represented by colorful histograms) and on the ordinate, the number of answers.
In order to cross various questions you can also create an sub-slide.
Open the report. Select the slide for which you want to create an sub-slide, it obviously has to already have a question dimension. In this case we’ll use a NPS-type question.
Then click on the right, on the « plus » pictogram.
Select the question(s) that you wish to cross with the first question. Validate.
A grey arrow appears on each side of the graph and there is a message confirming that the data crossing has been done.
Upon clicking, you have access to a new chart resulting from the crossing of your questions.
You can cross the dimensions in order to get a different overview.
The arrow on the left allows you to go back to the original graph.