Notify systems or individuals by email, sms or URL using post-feedback actions.
We are going to see how to notify systems or individuals by email, sms or URL using post-feedback actions. e
We are going to see how to notify systems or individuals by email, sms or URL using post-feedback actions. Go ahead to the « Actions » page of your campaign, create a new scenario and give it a name.
We are going to take as an example the notification of a customer service, as soon as a detractor is identified using an NPS question.
On the « If » page, first choose the page. Then chose the answer to the NPS question.
When at the « Then » stage, select « notify by email », choose who to notify, either directly via an email address that you will fill out, or using an email attribute.
In this case, we want to notify the customer service so we go for the first option since the contact email will not vary depending on the respondent.
You can decide to send the email immediately, or after a certain period of time (in days or hours). In this case, we will send the email immediately.
Choose the email model you want to use. You can preview the email.
If need be, you can also edit the model to customize it. When editing, you will notice that the attributes appear in parenthesis. They will be replaced automatically by the attributes values that you will fill out in « custom values ». You can also create a new model if need be.
Indicate which attributes match with the variables of the model and then validate.
Let’s now add an SMS notification.
As for the email notification, you can use the value of an attribute like the phone number or directly enter a number. Choose the area code corresponding to the country of origin of your contact number.
Then, decide if you want to send them out immediately as soon as a detractor is identified, or if you want it to be done later.
Lastly, select or create an SMS model. You can also integrate various variables in order to customize it.
You can also notify by URL. In order to know the URL that needs to be used, we recommend you first get in touch with your technical support team, in order to get an optimal integration of the notifications.
Once you have it, just enter the URL you want to notify and then validate.
You now know how to use the notifications via the post feedback actions.
Important : Regulations for sending SMS messages
In accordance with the regulations in force, the sending of marketing SMS is not allowed on Sundays and public holidays. Apart from these restrictions, SMS must be sent in specific time slots:
- Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm
- Saturday from 10am to 8pm