What cookies are placed by Skeepers?

Would you like to better understand Skeepers' cookie policy ?

We answer all your questions in this article.

Trackers placed by a survey

This list shows all the trackers placed by Skeepers Feedback Management on the browser to participate in a survey.

These are trackers placed on the ".myfeelback.com" domain and are valid for surveys, regardless of the deployment method used.

Tracker Name Type Description Expiration
mfbv Cookie Technical cookie allowing the maintenance of a visit on the survey 30 minutes
mfbnd Cookie Technical cookie allowing a visitor to remain on the survey 30 minutes


Cookie allowing to keep the identifier of the surveys submitted by a browser to manage the participation

This cookie does not associate the browser with any personal data

13 months
mfbs Cookie

Session cookie used on a private survey (with SSO authentication)


Trackers placed by Skeepers Javascript tag

This section applies to surveys integrated into your website (website, pop-in, pop-under, bar, button, and inpage deployments).

This list catalogs all the trackers that the Skeepers JavaScript tag places to track a visitor's behavior in order to trigger a survey when the display conditions are met.

The Skeepers JavaScript trigger tag is designed to store data directly in the localStorage or sessionStorage of the browser, as well as in a technical cookie named "_MFB_".

This cookie allows the exchange of information between different subdomains that are part of the same user journey. This data includes key metrics to evaluate trigger rules such as the number of visits, the number of pages viewed, the time spent on the site, or survey solicitations.

All this data is stored exclusively on the user's browser, ensuring local storage.

If needed, we provide Console commands to give you a concrete view of the data collected after implementing the Skeepers tag : Commands available here.

A specific parameter, named “privacyMode”, allows adjusting the tracker behavior based on the user's consent regarding the use of cookies.

When “privacyMode” is enabled, the data stored by the trackers will not be accessible during subsequent visits of the user, except for the essential technical information required for the proper functioning of the system (including managing the solicitation). We detail this in the next section of the article.

By default, the “privacyMode” parameter is disabled.

To learn more about implementing and configuring the Skeepers trigger tag, please refer to our dedicated article.

List of trackers when Privacy Mode is disabled (by default)

Tracker Name Type Description Expiration
_MFB_ Cookie Enables the management of website campaign solicitation 360 days
mfb.actor.beta.pagesHistory localStorage Key

Pages visited over the last N days

N is defined when the tag is integrated and cannot be greater than 30 days

Rotation over N days
mfb.actor.beta.s.pagesVisited localStorage Key Pages visited during the current session Renewed at each new session
mfb.actor.beta.s.selectors localStorage Key Identifier of the elements of the page that have been clicked and whose click is a trigger for the display of the survey Renewed at each new session
mfb.actor.beta.s.ttl localStorage Key Start date of the session Renewed at each new session
mfb.actor.beta.s.random localStorage Key Random value for random trigger criteria Renewed at each new session or at each page
mfb.actor.beta.s.random_percent localStorage Key Random value for random trigger criteria Renewed at each new session or at each page
mfb.actor.beta.deploymentVisits localStorage Key Identifiers of deployments for which the visitor has already been solicited, as well as the date of solicitation Persistent
mfb.actor.beta.campaignVisits localStorage Key Identifiers of deployments for which the visitor has already been solicited, as well as the date of solicitation Persistent
mfb.actor.beta.s.cvs localStorage Key Identifiers of deployments for which the visitor has already been solicited during the current session Renewed at each new session
mfb.actor.beta.s.dvs localStorage Key Identifiers of deployments for which the visitor has already been solicited during the current session Renewed at each new session
mfb.actor.beta.s.startDateTimeOnSite localStorage Key Date on which the visitor started his visit in case the time spent is a triggering criteria Renewed at each new session
mfb.actor.beta.s.nb localStorage Key Number of pages visited during the session Renewed at each new session
mfb.actor.beta.s.session__Mfb_ud localStorage Key Values of site variables and attributes passed to the tag during integration Renewed at each new session

A session is defined as new if more than 60 minutes have passed since the last activity.

List of trackers when Privacy Mode is activated 

Tracker Name Type Description Expiration
mfb.actor.beta.s.pagesVisited localStorage Key Pages visited during the current session Renewed at each new session
mfb.actor.beta.s.random localStorage Key Random value for random trigger criteria Renewed at each new session or at each page
mfb.actor.beta.s.random_percent localStorage Key Random value for random trigger criteria Renewed at each new session or at each page
mfb.actor.beta.deploymentVisits localStorage Key Identifiers of deployments for which the visitor has already been solicited, as well as the date of solicitation Persistent
mfb.actor.beta.campaignVisits localStorage Key Identifiers of deployments for which the visitor has already been solicited, as well as the date of solicitation Persistent
mfb.actor.beta.s.cvs localStorage Key Identifiers of deployments for which the visitor has already been solicited during the current session Renewed at each new session
mfb.actor.beta.s.dvs localStorage Key Identifiers of deployments for which the visitor has already been solicited during the current session Renewed at each new session
mfb.actor.beta.s.startDateTimeOnSite localStorage Key Date on which the visitor started his visit in case the time spent is a triggering criteria Renewed at each new session
mfb.actor.beta.s.nb localStorage Key Number of pages visited during the session Renewed at each new session
mfb.actor.beta.s.session__Mfb_ud localStorage Key Values of site variables and attributes passed to the tag during integration Renewed at each new session

A session is defined as new if more than 60 minutes have passed since the last activity.

Where to mention Skeepers cookies in your website's cookie policy ?

If you integrate Skeepers surveys on your website, it is essential to comply with the legal guidelines regarding the use of cookies.

We detail these compliance issues with the CNIL (French regulation) and GDPR in the following article : Ensuring GDPR compliance with Skeepers Feedback Management.

It is essential to ensure valid consent for the use of cookies and to update your cookie policy by incorporating Skeepers cookies.

Here are some examples of purposes to customize according to your usage :

  • Display of surveys
  • Measuring user satisfaction on the website
  • Collecting visitor consent
  • Producing analyses (anonymous or identifiable)


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our team Customer Care.


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