If you choose to send Email or SMS surveys through Skeepers, you have the possibility to easily manage your broadcast lists on the platform. Contacts can be manually or automatically imported into Skeepers in order to include them in specific sending lists according to your needs.
In the sidebar menu, choose the category 'Contacts' then 'Broadcast lists'.
Then click on "Create a new list".
Next, give your list a name and save it with the bottom right button.
You can then edit it.
Create a broadcast list
To import contacts into your mailing/sending list, you can :
- Manually import contacts via a file upload directly from the contact list. This solution is generally chosen for ad-hoc studies.
- Automated import via FTP;
- Automated import via API.
Manually import contacts in a broadcast list
Once your list is created, go to the "Contacts" tab and then click the arrow on the "Actions" button.
Go to the "Contacts" tab and then click the arrow on the "Actions" button.
Then download the CSV template and modify it with your data strictly following the column names (you do not need to follow the order of the columns or fill in all the fields).
Here is an example of a completed contact list:
Once your file is ready, select it and go back to the "Actions" button, then click on "Import from a CSV file".
A message will indicate any errors. Finally, click on "Confirm import" to access your contact list.
Your contact list is ready! You can always manually edit your contacts by clicking "Edit".
Automatically import contacts in a broadcast list via FTP
Requirements : you must first create an FTP repository in your account settings
Click on Enable FTP import
Select the target FTP repository
- Specify the file name prefix (a default prefix is provided but you can change it)
- Indicate the sharing frequency
- Specify the file language. This impacts the column names and date formats.
- If you want contacts to be solicited with each import, remember to activate the "Automatically launch broadcasts each time a file is imported" option.
The solicitation rules for your broadcast will be checked with each import for the imported contacts. For example, if your solicitation rules specify that a contact can only be solicited once a month, a contact imported this week will not receive a new email or SMS.
Remember to Save.
To receive an alert in case of an import error, enable this option in your user settings.
Automatically import contacts in a broadcast list via API
To manage your contacts via our API, many endpoints are available.
For daily or real-time data flows, we recommend the " Deployments - Insert or update contact and send deployment" endpoint, which allows you to create or update the contact and send them the email or SMS broadcast.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our Customer Care team.