How to share raw data export via email

Once you have created a raw data visualization, you can schedule a recurring email export to periodically analyze/monitor a specific campaign.

By default, Skeepers Feedback Management retains feedback for a maximum period of 2 years, as detailed in the article How does Skeepers Feedback Management manage data retention ?.

Sharing raw data via email allows you to maintain a complete history that you can save in your secure environment.

To automate the backup of your campaign feedbacks, it is recommended to create a raw data visualization for each campaign, then configure a share by following the detailed instructions in this article.

You also have the option to configure a recurring sharing of your raw data to your FTP.


  • The raw data export sharing feature via email is available to all



To configure the recurring sharing of a raw data export via email, go to the “Analysis” tab, then “Libraries” and “Raw Data” via the left side menu.

Here, create a new raw data visualization or edit an existing one for which you want to configure an email share.

Above the table, click on the button with an envelope labeled “Share raw data by email”:

A box will appear prompting you to choose the original language. Here, you need to select the language in which the survey linked to your raw data visualization was written.

Once the original language is selected, a new panel will open on the right to allow you to configure the email share.

All that remains is to configure the share, its target, message, and frequency.

Regarding the target, you can choose one or more specific addresses entered manually or users and recipients from your organization's account. Note that if you want to address this export to a multitude of people from the same sector or department, we recommend opting for the second option, by targeting a specific property already configured on your users/recipients (example : "Region" equals "UK").

For each raw data share via email, only one language can be selected. You must therefore decide either to force a specific language or to adapt it to the recipient's language.

If your target is multilingual, you will need to create as many raw data visualizations and shares as there are languages to address. To do this, the simplest way is to duplicate your raw data visualization once configured and then modify the language and message of the share.

For the message to be sent with your export, it is a classic email configuration, so fill in the Subject and Message of the message.

By default, the download is private and secure, the option "Restrict download to logged users" is selected. This means that regardless of the share target, the recipient will need to log in to the Skeepers Feedback Management platform with valid credentials on your organization's account to download the export file.

If you wish to allow anyone to download the file, you can check "Public download", anyone with access to the link in the email will be able to download the feedback export.

Finally, all that remains is to define the frequency of the email send. The configured time will be the reference time for the recurrence of the sends.

Make sure to activate the share status, apply and save your raw data visualization.

Everything is set up !


To illustrate the necessary configurations, with a concrete situation, here is an example of a raw data visualization shared via email to a manager and their team : 

  • The message and file are in English, filtered on the previous month's data
  • Recipients will need to authenticate on the platform with valid credentials to download the file
  • The email will be sent every first of the month at 09:00


If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Customer Care team.


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