The Custom multiple choice list is an evolution of our classic Multiple choice list item.
It allows you to create Multiple choice list based on your own data in a very easy way. Notice there are a lot of different ways to use it.
Let us illustrate how it works with an example "e-Commerce oriented".
You own an online motorbike accessories shop and want to ask your customers what kind of motorbike they own, from which brand, what model and year of production. As there are too many possible matches to use the regular Multiple choice list question, you need to use a Datamart. You are going to import a .CSV file containing all your data.
In that use case, it's easy to imagine how interesting it could be for an online seller. He will get a better vision about the products he should keep or get in stock. If he realizes 40% of his customers own a Yamaha, he can manage his stock depending on it. He will also enter in a better negotiation with his providers and increase his mark-up. One other thing is the possibility to trigger ultra personalized marketing actions and increase the relevance of his next marketing efforts to boost conversion rates.
1 - Your Datamart
Please reach the Settings in the Side menu and then, click on "Datamarts"
To import your file, click on Add Datamart.
There you can name your Datamart and then click on Add
By clicking on Add you will add columns to your Datamart. For our example about motorbikes, the Datamart looks like:
type / brand / engine / model / year(you must write only letter in you column title)
Once your Columns are ready, you need to Download our template to fill it with your own data. To do so, click on Download CSV data.
Please add your own data directly under the correct column.
Your CSV is now ready, you can import it back in Skeepers by cliking on Import from your CSV file.
Don't forget to Save your changes.
2 - The question
Then you can go back to your Campaign by the Side menu and Add an item to your survey. Please pick the Custom multiple choice list item.
In that example, our online seller began with a question about the kind of motorbike driven by the respondent (a scooter on the screenshot). Next step is to ask about the brand of the scooter. To do so, he creates a Custom multiple choice list question, select the Datamart file previously created on the first step and then indicate the column about the "brand".
This is how it will be displayed to the respondent :
To know more, he needs to sharpen the result. He decides to ask about the engine size (and so creates a new question thanks to the column "engine").
And this is how it looks once your Datamart is correctly set under few Custom multiple choice list questions :
Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information.