Allowing Multiple answers to a Multiple Choice Question
For questions that use checkboxes or lists with images allowing multiple choices, the total number of answer choices selected for a question may be greater than the number of respondents who answered the question. Depending on the statistic chosen, the base used, the total sum of the percentages, may be greater than 100%.
For a multiple choice question:
- The number of answers corresponds to the number of respondents;
- The number of modalities answered corresponds to the number of choices selected.
For example in the context of a multiple choice question with 4 possible choices (A to D). If your breakdown is as follows:
- You have collected 10 answers to this question (10 respondents)
- These 10 respondents selected choice A 6 times, choice B 6 times, choice C 1 time and choice D 3 times so you have a sum of 15 response methods selected.
If the statistic selected is based on the number of responses, the percentage will be choice A is 60% (base 10). 60% of respondents chose A.
If the statistic selected is based on the number of modalities answered, choice A is 40% (base 15). A represents 40% of the choices selected.
Attributes allowing multiple values
For attributes that use multiple values, the total number of values collected may be greater than the number of responses. Therefore, the total sum of the percentages can be greater than 100% because the basis of the percentage calculation is the number of respondents.
When you choose to reduce the number of decimal places, we round off the data, the sum of the percentages is not always equal to 100%.
You can set the number of decimal values to display when setting up your indicators by clicking on the gear.