Create design templates to customise surveys

With Feedback Management, you can create and customise your own design templates.

This gives you greater flexibility in managing your campaigns and helps you to optimise your creative processes. Find out how to make the most of these templates to improve your results.

Design templates allow you to :

  • Create a default template for all your broadcasts (except those that already have a specific design).
  • Duplicate and modify an existing template to create variants of your designs.
  • Entrust your graphic designers with the creation of a library of templates in Skeepers, from which you can draw according to your needs.

To activate the graphic customisation option and use several design templates, please contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.

Create a design template

Once the feature has been activated by your Customer Success Manager, a default design template is configured in your Feedback Management interface. You can :

  • Modify it by clicking on ‘Edit
  • Add a new template

To create a new design template, you need to :

  • Go to Settings>design>classic design
  • Click on ‘Add a template’ and give your design template a name. The template will appear in the list.

You can define this template as the default template. This means that all new broadcasts created afterwards will be based on this template.


You can personalise your design template by adding a theme, logo, background or even colours to the titles of your questionnaire. To do this, you need to :

  1. Click on ‘Edit’ and make the changes you want to your design template.

  2. Once you've made your changes, don't forget to save.

Applying a model to a deployement

For each deployement, you can define a custom template and create alternative versions when customising. To do this, you need to :

  1. In a campaign, select the ‘deployement’ tab and then click on ‘Edit a deployement’.

  2. Click on ‘Customise the design’.

  3. Apply the desired design model.

  4. Save. The selected template will be applied to your broadcast.

Applying a specific design

  1. If you want to modify a template to create a new version of it, once you've selected it, simply click on ‘Apply a specific design’.

  2. Once you have finished making the changes, you can save it directly as a new model

Best practices:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our  Customer Care.

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