Time field allows you to ask new type of questions such as "How long was your flight delayed?".
The brand new Time field allows you to ask new type of questions such as "How long was your flight delayed?" or "What time did you get to the hotel?". As an example, this is a great way to collect actionable data such as waiting times, to analyze the performance of flights/waiters or send coupon-codes based on waiting time.
The Time field is also super useful in the reporting section of Skeepers as a new dimension you can use to slide and dice your data. For example, you can now extract from your report many interesting information such as open hours, waiting time [...]
The time field gives you the ability to compare many fields for best analysis results. In our example below, we'll setup and match answers of two questions: "What time was your appointment at?" and "How long did you wait?".
In this article, we'll help you use this new field! First we'll prepare a standard survey, and then we'll build a campaign report in line with our goals.
Prepare and Deploy:
In Skeepers Room, go to the "Campaigns" menu and click on "Create a new campaign".
For this campaign, we choose the title "Waiting time".
In this example, the campaign will be made of two questions: "What time was your appointment at?" and "How long did you wait?".
Now we'll create the survey step by step!
First, click on "Add new item" in your survey main page.
Then select the brand new "Time field".
Here we use the Time field to collect the hour of the appointment.
The first question will be: "What time was your appointment at?"
Option: in advanced settings, we've created a tag named "Appointment time" (for info about tags, just click on the related subject below this article).
Now we add the second question. Click again on "Add an item".
Then choose "Multiple choice list".
The question is "How long did you wait?" and answer fields are "less than 5 mins", "5 to 10 mins" and "more than 10 mins", always as a "required field".
Option: in advanced settings we've created a tag called "Waiting time" as well.
Now we can save and preview the survey. The time picker will appear:
Finally, choose your actions, select your segment and define your deployment. In this example, we choose a URL deployment called "Waiting Time Test".
Create a campaign report
Once your campaign has received a decent amount of answers, you'll be able to understand best how powerful the Time field is.
In the side menu, go to "Stats""Reports""Campaigns".
Then click on the button " Create new report".
Choose you report name. We called our report "Waiting Time (Week 23)".
After clicking "Create", you can immediately display the waiting time distribution: 57,1% of customer answers have answered "less than 5 mins" and 42,9% "more than 10 mins".
We can go deeper by crossing answers to increase the value of the results.
Click on "Add a new statistic slide".
It should be based on the title, "What time was your appointment at?" with a "date span" filter.
Note: Instead of this question, we could have selected a tag previously created.
Now, add the second question (to cross the data).
Our objective is to know what the waiting time of our customers was, and if it is linked to their appointment time.
We choose the question "How long did you wait?" as a second dimension.
We can now enjoy a global and precise view at the same time, which perfectly matches the goal of our survey.
Example of interpretation:
Customers who had their appointment around 11.30 waited 5 to 10 minutes. Globally, before 10AM, customers waited less than 5 minutes. After 5PM the waiting time increases above 10 minutes.
Good! Now you're an expert of the Time field, from the creation until the data extract.
Try the time field now! Click here 👇
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