Thanks to many available settings, you'll be able to deploy your campaigns on your website to trigger your surveys at the right moment.
In this article you'll learn how to create a website deployment.
Thanks to many available settings, you'll be able to deploy your campaigns on your website to trigger your surveys at the right moment to increase you response rate!
Also it's possible to customize the style of your survey (color, texte, size...)
Create the deployment
- In the menu, click on "Deployments" then on "List". You'll find here all your previous deployments.
- To create a new one, click on the button "Create new deployment", at the top right of your page.
- Select the "Website" deployment and the attached campaign.
- Give a name to your deployment.
- Then click on Save.
Trigger your deployment
Now you can define conditions that will trigger your deployment.
The composition of triggers are still the same, in two step : " If" and "Then"
Add conditions: "IF"
Add one or more conditions (or sub-conditions) and setup connections between themselves.
Connections between conditions are:
- And: all the conditions will be true to activate the trigger.
- Or: if only one condition is true, the trigger will be active.
- Click on "Add new condition".
- Available conditions now appear.
Conditions are:
1) Attributes : Display the survey according to the data about the visitor
The attribute allows you to define rules to trigger your survey based on the value of an attribute present in the data layer of your website.
You can choose the attribute on which you want to base the deployment and the deployment tag condition ("equal to", "different from", "does not contain"...).
Display to visitors with a birthday date prior to august 17, 2021.
By using an attribute instead of a variable from your website, you get advanced targeting features for date, time and numeric formats.
- display the survey to your clients older than 18 years old.
- display a survey if the amount of the basket is equal to 0 after 10 minutes on the website with a promotional offer.
2) Random: Limit deployment to part of your traffic by random draw.
Two draw modes are available:
- Draw visit: draw is made once for the same session of a visitor.
- Draw per page: draw is made on each page seen by the visitor.
You can express the probability of the draw in volume or percentage. A probability expressed as a percentage of "50%" is equivalent to a probability expressed in volume of "1 for 2".
Display 1 time each 2 visits.
Display 1 time each 2 page viewed.
3) Date: Limit the deployment according to a specific period.
Set a period during or outside of which you want to deploy your survey.
The period can be defined in two modes:
Date mode: Deploy during or outside a period defined by a start and end date.
Time mode: Deploy during or outside a time slot defined by a start and end time.
Deployment starts the March 1st of 2018 to March 31st of 2018 at 10am.
Do not deploy from 12am to 7:30pm.
4) Referrer: Restrict the deployment to visitors from a third party website.
Two modes are available:
- "URL" mode: restricts traffic to a specific third-party page. Be careful, the entire URL of the visitor's refered page is analyzed: protocol, domain, path and parameters. Anchors are not analyzed.
- "Domain" mode: restricts traffic to any page of a specific third-party web site. In this mode, only the domain name of the visitor's refered page is analyzed: http://subdomain.mydomain.extension/path?param.
The comparison operators available for this condition allow you to build more complex rules. For example, using the "contains" operator, you can restrict traffic coming from a specific path of a website.
Deploy to all visitors who come from the website:
Deploy to all visitors who com from page of the english blog from website:
5) Platform: Condition the deployment according to the type of platform used by the visitor.
3 types are available: PC, Tablet or Mobile.
The platform type is defined by the browser (user-agent) informations used by the visitor.
Deploy to all visiteurs who are browsing my website from a tablet or a mobile.
6) Visited page : Restrict the deployment to visitors who have visited a minimum number of pages on your website.
Two scopes are available: current session and browsing history.
When you choose “current session” you have two modes:
- "Website" mode to deploy only to a visitor who has browsed a minimum number of pages on your website.
- "Page" mode to deploy only to a visitor who has traveled a minimum number of pages with a specific URL path. Note that only the path of the URL is parsed: http://subdomain.mydomain.extension/path?param Protocol, domain, parameters, or anchors are ignored. You can use the available comparison operators to define complex rules. For example, using the "contains" operator, you can target visitors who have browsed pages in a sub-directory of your website.
Display to visitors who have visited at least 3 pages on your website.
Display to visitors who have visited at least 3 pages of the blog in english.
When choosing “browsing history” you will have to specify a period (30 days maximum). Then, you have two modes:
- "Website" mode to deploy only to a visitor who has browsed a minimum number of pages on your website.
- "Page" mode to deploy only to a visitor who has traveled a minimum number of pages with a specific URL path. Note that only the path of the URL is parsed: http://subdomain.mydomain.extension/path?param Protocol, domain, parameters, or anchors are ignored. You can use the available comparison operators to define complex rules. For example, using the "contains" operator, you can target visitors who have browsed pages in a sub-directory of your website.
Display to visitors who have visited at least 3 pages of my website during the past 7 days.
Display to visitors who visited at least 3 pages about subscription during the past 7 days.
7) Number of visits: Targeting regular visitors
Set the deployment tag based on the number of visits of a visitor.
Define the period (30 days maximum) and the trigger condition (“equal to”, “different from”...) then define the number of visits.
Display to visitors who visited your website 4 times during the past 30 days.
8) Time spent: Restrict deployment to visitors who have spent a minimum amount of time on your website or on the current page.
You can measure the duration in seconds or minutes.
Deploy after 10sec delay on a page of my website.
Deploy to visitors who spent more a minute on my website.
9) Solicitation: Deploy or not according to past solicitations of your visitors.
Target visitors who have been solicited or not to respond a survey or a deployment during a certain delay (days).
Deploy to visitors who have not been solicited by the "Post purchase ecommerce" deployment for 30 last days.
10) On Page: Deploy to visitors who browse a specific page.
Specify the URL path of the page on which you want to deploy. Note that only the path of the URL is parsed: http://subdomain.mydomain.extension/path?param#anchor
The protocol, domain, parameters, and anchors are ignored.
You can use the comparison operators available to define complex rules. For example, using the "contains" operator, you can target all pages in a subdirectory of your website.
Deploy to all visitors who are on the "features" page of my website.
Deploy to all visitors who visit any of my website pages except french blog pages.
11) On Event: Deploy to visitors after a specific event on an element of your website.
Select the type of event expected and the item(s) of your website on which it should occur to deployment.
Use the CSS3 expression phrases to specify elements of your website: CSS3 Selector
5 events are available:
- Click: This event is sent when the mouse button is pressed and released on an item.
- Mouse over: This event is sent when the mouse is moved over the element.
- Mouse out: This event is sent when the mouse is moved out of the element.
- Focus in: This event is sent to an item when it receives the focus.
- Focus out: This event is sent to an item when it loses focus.
The focus event is sent to an item when it is selected. This event is applicable to a limited set of elements, such as form elements (, , etc.) and links (). An item can be focused via keyboard commands, such as the Tab key, or by mouse clicks on the item. Focus elements are usually highlighted by the browser, for example with a dotted line surrounding the element.
Deploys to visitors who mouse over the website element with the "footer" HTML ID.
12) Browser event: Deploy to visitors after a browser event.
4 events are available:
- Load: Deploy when loading the current page.
- Scroll to middle of page: Deploy when the visitor scrolls in the middle of the current page.
- Exit intent: Deploy when the visitor moves a mouse from an element of the site to the tab area.
- Inactive during: Deploy when the visitor is inactive for a lack of time. You can express the ideal time in seconds or minutes. Inactivity corresponds to the fact that there is no movement or click of the mouse, nor scroll, on the current page, from the visitor.
Deploy to visitors who move our mouse out of my website (Exit intent).
13) Website Variable: Target deployment based on variables in your website.
Use the variables transmitted via the Javascript MyFeelBack tag, installed on your website, to Deploy only to certain visitors (read more: trigger tag).
Note that only variables defined in the tag are scanned.
Deploy to visitors for which the value of the variable "customer_type" is equal to "gold"
Once you have selected your trigger conditions, you can now define the action that will apply.
Setup the action : "THEN"
Select the action by clicking on "Add new action".
You survey can appear with different displays.
Available actions are:
- Popin: opens up a window containing the Campaign in your current window at the top of your navigation.
- Left button: a button on the left side that opens up your Campaign by clicking on it.
- Right button: a button on the right-hand side that opens up your Campaign by clicking on it.
- Top bar: A bar on the top, which includes a button to open up your Campaign.
- Bottom bar: a bar on the bottom, which includes a button to open up your Campaign.
- Website exit / new tab: first opens up a popin inviting your visitors to respond to your survey at the end of their browse on your site. When the time comes, visitors who have agreed to respond will see a new window open with your Campaign.
- Bottom button: a button on the bottom that opens up your Campaign by clicking on it.
- Custom Popin: it is a new format of Popin ideal to catch your visitors before they land on your survey. It allows you to create a solicitation perfectly integrated into your graphic charter (you can customise the colors of text, button, title, and background image).
Once you have made your selection, don't forget to save your scenarios by clicking on "Save Scenarios" bottom right, before changing the page.
It's done!
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our Customer Care team.