Create a campaign based on a template

Looking to optimize the effectiveness of your future survey ? Leverage campaign templates !

Skeepers provides several default campaign templates designed to meet the most common needs. Additionally, you can create surveys based on your own campaign templates, which you have previously defined. This allows you to fully benefit from proven and effective best practices to maximize the impact of your campaigns.

Default campaign templates provided by Skeepers

To simplify your use of campaigns, Skeepers offers templates inspired by hundreds of successful campaigns. Selected after an in-depth analysis of our clients' campaigns, these templates help you save time, streamline your actions, and improve your performance.

Each campaign template includes a dedicated thematic survey tailored to a specific stage of the customer/employee journey, along with its scenarios, deployments, and potentially post-feedback actions.

Below is a detailed list of the default campaign templates currently available on the platform :

Evaluate customers' needs before developing a new product Do you want to develop a new product or service? Make sure it matches the needs of your target customers.

Survey with URL deployment, including :

  • 1 question to find out the preferred time of purchase for a type of product/service
  • 1 question to understand why your customers choose your brand over another
  • 1 question on your customers' perception of your key strengths
  • 1 question to find out which product/service families interest your customers
  • 1 slider to determine the budget your customers would be willing to spend on the new product/service
  • 1 question to find out your customers' main choice criteria
  • 1 question on the difference your customers make between a good and a bad product
  • 1 question to rank the reasons for using the new product/service
How is your brand perceived by your clients? How do your customers perceive your brand? Find out where the gaps in perception are and where you need to improve.

Survey with URL deployment, including :

  • 1 matrix with 5 sub-questions to assess specific aspects of your brand
  • 1 list of images to identify the last experience with your brand
  • 1 matrix with 4 sub-questions to evaluate the efficiency of your targeting
  • 1 NPS question qualifying the level of customer recommendation
  • 1 question to understand how the customer knew you
  • 1 question to know the period of the relationship between the customer and your brand
  • 1 question to understand the evolution of the customer's perception over the last month
  • 1 question to determine the values that your customer thinks best fit your brand
Assessing the quality of the customer experience when buying online Evaluate the quality of the customer experience experienced when shopping online and identify areas for improvement of your site for a better conversion.

Survey with URL deployment, including :

  • 1 CES question to measure the level of effort required to make a purchase on your site
  • 1 question to find out the origin of the customer's visit to your site
  • 1 NPS question to assess the perceived level of satisfaction following an online purchase
  • 1 matrix with 4 sub-questions to evaluate specific points of your site
  • 1 question on the details of the product sheets
  • 1 question to identify areas for improvement in the online purchasing experience

Get 100% satisfied customers after a product return After each product return, trigger a questionnaire to measure the satisfaction of your customers. Improve your process thanks to the answers collected!

Survey with URL deployment, including :

  • 1 NPS question to identify the nature of the respondent (promoter / passive / detractor)
  • 1 question to contextualise the respondent's situation
  • 1 matrix with 4 sub-questions to assess specific points of the process
  • 1 CES question to measure the level of effort that the return required for the customer
  • 1 question to determine the difficulties encountered during the preparation of the package
Understanding who your customers are: identifying buyer profiles Get to know your customers, their buying habits and preferences with this quiz. Enrich your customer knowledge and target each buyer profile customer.

Survey with URL deployment, including :

  • 1 question to define the frequency of purchase
  • 1 question for understanding budget management
  • 1 question to identify the most important element when making a purchase
  • 1 question on the consultation of reviews prior to a purchase
  • 1 question to understand the obstacles to purchasing
  • 1 trend sensitivity question
  • 1 question on habits before a purchase
  • 1 question to find out the favourite shopping period
  • 1 list of images on the 3 main factors when shopping
  • 1 question on the reasons for shopping

3 redirection scenarios according to the detected buyer profile : 

  • 1 scenario redirecting to the impulsive shopper profile
  • 1 scenario redirecting to the comparator shopper profiled
  • 1 scenario redirecting to the opportunistic shopper profile
Measuring the relevance and effectiveness of your customer service  Collect customer data on the spot after each exchange with your advisers. Find out what they think of the relationship they have had and where you could improve!

Survey with URL deployment, including :

  • 1 rating scale question to measure overall satisfaction
  • 1 NPS question to evaluate the brand's recommendation to friends and family with conditioned answers
  • 1 question with a rating scale on specific items (waiting time, quality of response, welcome & friendliness)
  • 1 question boxes to be ticked to determine the level of importance of specific items (waiting time, quality of response, welcome & friendliness)
Remote working: measuring the well-being of your team The satisfaction of your customers also depends on the satisfaction of your employees. Measure their satisfaction and well-being within your company.

Survey with URL deployment, including :

  • 1 NPS question qualifying the employee's level of recommendation for the company
  • 1 set of questions measuring the quality of the framework
  • 1 set of questions measuring the feelings about the attention given by the hierarchy
  • 1 set of questions measuring emotional state
  • 1 set of questions measuring how it feels to change one's organization to work at home
Measure customer loyalty using the Net Promoter Score Learn what customers think about your company using the NPS. Implement marketing actions to convert detractors and passives into brand promoters!

Survey with website deployment, including :

  • 1 NPS question qualifying the perceived satisfaction after an online purchase
  • 4 subquestions (empty fields) to describe the score attributed

2 redirection scenarios :

  • When a customer is detected as a detractor (score from 0 to 8), he is redirected to the "detractors" end page
  • When a customer is detected as a promoter (score from 9 to 10), he is redirected to the "promoter" end page
Improve customer satisfaction after in-store purchase After each purchase in store, trigger a smart survey by email to measure the satisfaction level of your customers. Set actions and alerts in real-time to adapt your offers!

Survey with external email deployment, including :

  • 1 NPS question qualifying the perceived satisfaction following a purchase in-store
  • 1 question qualifying the source of the visit with conditioned answer choices
  • 1 question measuring the quality of the advices provided by the sales assistant
  • 1 question identifying new customers from recurring customers
  • 1 question qualifying the reason of the purchase

1 redirection scenario : 

  • Redirection of detractors (score between 0 and 6 to the NPS question) to a dedicated acknowledgement page
Collect ultra-qualified information on your website visitors Qualify your audience by collecting high value customer data. Segment your leads to improve the performance of your marketing campaigns!

Survey with website deployment, including :

  • 1 "images list" question qualifying the visitor favorite shoes type
  • 3 "images list" subquestions to precise the favorite shoes type, with conditioned answer choices
  • 1 question identifying the visitor personality in order to segment future marketing campaigns
  • 1 question identifying the respondent shoe size to offer the good products to the right person
  • 1 question to collect the respondent email to enrich the customer database
Reduce cart abandonment and increase conversion rate Identify the real reasons causing visitors and customers to leave your website. Implement actions that make them return and win back sales!

Survey with website deployment, including :

  • 1 "checkboxes" question to identify the reasons why visitors leave your website
  • 2 pages with conditioned questions based on abandonment reasons: collect emails for a discount code or offer a callback

3 redirection scenarios :

  • Email collected and 5% discount coupon
  • Email collection and proposal to be called back by an advisor
  • Redirection to the thank you page if the customer does not wish to be called back by an advisor

Campaign templates you can create from your surveys

As explained in the article Save a campaign as a template, you can transform your most impactful campaigns into campaign templates.

Each new template, based on one of your surveys, will be added to the list of existing templates : 

Using campaign templates

To use campaign templates, whether they are predefined by Skeepers or created from your own templates, simply create a new campaign.

To do so, go to the campaign list from the left sidebar on the platform, in the "Campaigns" tab. Click on the "Create new campaign" button.

Then, choose from the Skeepers templates or the ones you have created, selecting the one that best suits your needs.

For each campaign template, you will have the ability to customize and refine it to align with your objectives as closely as possible.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Customer Care team.


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