What's the difference between deleting and archiving a deployment ?
- Archive a deployment if it has valid responses.
Once archived, answers will still be accessible in the analysis and the content of the survey will be available. Archived deployments are available at the end of your lists.
An archived deployment remains accessible to respondents.
- Delete a deployment if it has no valid response.
Once deleted, a deployment cannot be restored, its configuration is no longer accessible.
Please note that a deployment with invalid answers or used to send email or SMS from Skeepers cannot be deleted.
How to archive or delete a deployment ?
Click on "deployments" in the left-side menu.
Then just click on the button "..." corresponding to the deployment you want to delete or archive (right end of line).
How to restore an archived deployment ?
To unarchive a deployment, go to the deployment list and select "Archived" to display all the archived deployments.
Then click on "unarchive".