The different roles and rights accessible on the platform

If you have already read our article Access management overview, you should already know that numerous rights are available as an administrator, user, API user or recipient of your organization's Skeepers Feedback Management account.

In this article, you will discover the content of each right accessible to you and your collaborators to allow the use of a specific feature or even to delegate the opening and management of Skeepers access.

The importance of rights on the platform

Each of your collaborators can be granted access to specific features based on their responsibilities within your organization. This distribution of access rights is managed by the operational manager (administrator) of the Skeepers account, who was designated during your onboarding on the Feedback Management platform.

To create accurate accesses, it is essential to understand the impact of each right on the platform's features. A good distribution of rights allows you to :

  • Gain efficiency during the deployment of your campaigns
  • Ensure data compliance collected with Skeepers, which will feed your CRM, in accordance with your existing data
  • Control the safety of your account, to secure the deployed campaigns
  • Preserve the integrity of collected data
  • Restrain the use of Skeepers API

The recommended rights to activate for each role

It is more practical to define user profiles, even before starting the deployment of Skeepers Feedback Management in your organization.
All users have specificities. Managing role assignments will be facilitated, especially when adding new users to your account, or when a new collaborator joins.

Only the operational manager/administrator of your organization's account can manage the account settings and the administration of users/recipients.

Below you will find a table summarizing the distribution of the different rights to activate for each role. This element includes our main recommendations. However, it is of course possible to define other user profiles that would better match your business needs. We invite you to define "rights packages" to maintain control over your account activity.

Right Operational Account Manager Regional Manager Store Manager IT Integrator or Web Developer Campaign Manager CRM Manager Assistant
Users management          
Account settings          
Standard deployments  
Website deployments  

Email deployments

(if service activated)


SMS deployments

(if service activated)

Deployments activation        
Deployments design  
CSS integrations  
Javascript integrations  
Data exploration
Data exportation
Data management    
Third party app integrations  




(if service activated)


Action plan management

(if service activated)


Action plan execution

(if service activated)


Response management

(if service activated)


Response execution

(if service activated)

History visualization  

The details of the different rights to be granted to your users and recipients

Below, you will find the details of each accessible right on the platform.

Right Action Administrator User Recipient
Users management Create or delete users    
Users management Create or delete recipients    
Users management Ability to modify users rights and roles    
Account settings Access to account settings  ✓  
Campaigns Create, modify or delete campaigns  
Standard deployments Create, modify or delete URL, Button, QR Code or Social media deployments  
Website deployments Create, modify or delete Website deployments ; Access to Javascript tag and domain management in account settings  
Email deployments

Create, modify or delete Email deployments ; Access to contacts and sending lists

(if service activated)

SMS deployments

Create, modify or delete SMS deployments ; Access to contacts and sending lists

(if service activated)

Deployments activation Activate and desactivate a campaign through its deployment  ✓*  
Deployments design

Ability to modify the design of a survey

Deployments design + CSS integrations

Integrate CSS codes to custom survey design

Account settings Create and modify email and SMS templates on the plateform  ✓*  ✓*  
Account settings Create, view and modify account properties (including contact fields)  ✓*  ✓*  
Campaigns + Javascript integrations

Integrate Javascript callbacks from your analytics tools to set up custom tracking

Data exploration

Display feedbacks and stats of campaigns

Data exploration

Generate campaign reports and set up alerts on indicators

Data exploration Export data in standard formatting (HTML and PDF)  
Data exploration + Dashboards Display the section "Raw data" in the category "Analysis"  
Data exportation Export data in CSV format or via an FTP repository ; Set up recurring email reports  
Data exportation + Dashboards Access to raw data in dashboards  
Dashboards Create and modify da dashboard  
Data management Import feedbacks in a campaign manually or through a FTP requisitory  ✓*  
Data management Modify attribute values already collected in a campaign  ✓*  
Users management + Third party app integrations + Account settings Integrate connectors and apps and set up/modify associated mappings    
Users management Access to Skeepers API and management API users    

Attributes + Segments

Management attributes and segments on the account  ✓*  
Dashboards Share a dashboard and restrict its access  
Dashboards View a shared dashboard with the user/recipient and share it again
Dashboards + Data exportation View a campaign or custom report shared with the user/recipient and share it again
Data exportation View a raw data vizualisation (feedbacks) shared with the user/recipient and share it again
Data exportation Export data shared to the user/recipient  ✓*


Create, modify and activate NetReviews elements

(if service activated)


Action plan management

Manage Closed Loop action plans

(if service activated)


Action plan execution

Execute Closed Loop action plans

(if service activated)

 ✓*  ✓*

Response management

Access the response channel configuration and its activation

(if service activated)


Response execution

Answer to consumers

(if service activated)

 *  ✓*

Response execution + Third party reviews management

Answer to Google reviews

(if service activated)

 *  *  ✓*
History visualization View the purchase and consumption history of Skeepers products (feedbacks, emails, SMS, verbatims)  

*not activated by default ; to be granted according to the role assigned to the user/recipient


If you are an administrator and you are looking to create new users or recipients, please refer to the procedure in our article Access management overview.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Customer Care team.


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