Overlapping bar graphs, stacked zone/bar graphs and Curves
Types of visualisations:
Distribution | Evolution | Comparison | Value | Ranking | Bubble graph | Variation
Vertical bar graphs
Here, we take the analysis further by comparing the type of profile (Promoter, Passive, Detractor) to the type of segment(Buyers or Visitors).
Very convenient for easily identifying trends: Buyers participate more than Visitors, whether they’rePromoters, Passive, or Detractors.
Horizontal bar graph
This graph shows same data as the previous graph, but displayed in a horizontal format.
Stacked bar graph
By comparing the percentage breakdown of two segments (Buyers and Visitors in the example), you can identify the share represented (%) by each type of respondent (Promoter, Passive, Detractor).
It’s notable here that the breakdowns are almost identical, regardless of the segment analysed.
Representing the data in curves allows you to compare the evolution of your responses over time, here broken down by week.
Stacked zone graph
An area graph provides you with a comparative and cumulative view of the total number of responses. To see the detail of each value, simply hover the cursor over the data point that interests you (see: detail of a graph data point).
Overlapping vertical bar
Comparing responses via overlapping vertical bars highlights the differences in evolution between two distinct elements.
Here it’s notable that in March (03/17), fewer Visitors responded to the surveys, whereas the number of Buyers’ responses increased throughout.