With the customized buttons, you can easily manage the flow of participants throughout your campaign.
To get started, click on an existing campaign or create a new one.
Each survey page has a submit button by default, to save the collected answers.
If you want to add a customized button, click on « add new item »
and then on « button » at the bottom of the list.
You can now customize your button.
First you can give it a name, which will then appear on the button during your survey.
Then you can select which action you want the button to execute :
« Submit form and finish » allows you to save the answers gathered from the participants and to finish the survey.
By default, your participant will be automatically directed towards your confirmation page after answering all the questions.
That confirmation page is available in your « settings » area. You can change it and customized it at any point. It is the default page used for all your campaigns.
All you have left to do, is to validate that setting.
Your button will appear. You can click on « hide submit button » and it will be replaced by the button we just created.
If you want to create a customized thank you page instead of having the standard confirmation page at the end of the survey, you only need to create a page in your survey where you will redirect the participants.
Create a page and give it a name, here it is « thank you ». Then add your customized thank you message.
You can « hide submit button » since that page is the last one from the survey, and there is no action to take for the participant at that point, nor answer to validate.
On the previous page, all you need to do is modifying the customized button to guide the respondents towards the thank you page.
This time, choose « submit and go to page » to save the collected feedback before going to the intended page.
This button will allow you to save the collected answers.
It can be used to navigate between various pages and thus validate step by step your data collection. It means that if your respondent was about to leave the survey before finishing it, his answers would be saved.
Validate, and the button appears.
If you want to guide your respondent through the different survey pages without saving automatically the answers, you can definitely do that as well.
Use the button « go to page ». That way, if a respondent leaves the survey, you would not be collecting data that may not be usable, since the answers to the following questions would be missing.
Choose the target page you want for your survey and then validate. Your button will appear. Don’t forget to « hide submit button ».
The last option you have at your disposal is to « submit and execute scenario ». This button allows you to use scenarios and post-feedback actions that have been set up via a manual trigger.
For instance, you can execute scenarios to redirect the respondents that match a specific attribute towards a specific page, and other respondents with other attributes towards another page (you can thus for instance easily separate your clients from your prospects).
You can also execute a post-feedback action depending on a participant’s attribute. For instance, sending out a discount voucher and informing your sales department that a discount will be applied to that respondent.
Choose now which scenario and post-feedback action you want to generate.
Your button is now operational!