Using Skeepers API to integrate external tools

With the Skeepers API (v2.0), you can connect your services to Skeepers to leverage the feedback and data collected into your own tools (CRM, emailing platform, custom software).


Firstly, please note that not any user can access, set up and modify the Skeepers API. You must be one of the administrators of your organization's account.

An administrator (also known as the account operations manager) is a "super user" who holds admin access to your organization's Skeepers account on the Feedback Management platform. They are usually designated at the beginning of the partnership with Skeepers. Subsequently, they manage the creation and management of Skeepers Feedback Management access on your organization's account. They hold this right : 

If you are not an administrator, we invite you to get in touch with one of them in your internal organization to set up the API.

Configure the Skeepers API for a standard account

If you are an administrator, you can create as many API users as you want from your account.

To do so, click at the top right of the platform to open the panel where you can choose to access your user account settings, your organization's Skeepers Feedback Management account settings, or log out of the platform.


In your organization's account settings, open the 'API' tab. Here you will find the link to the API documentation and the list of all API users created on your organization's Skeepers account. Then press the 'Add new user' button.

Once on the API setup page, just like a user of the account, you can choose to assign more or fewer roles, rights, and permissions to your API user.

Do not hesitate to consult the article that details the impact of activating each right : The different roles and rights accessible on the platform.

You have total autonomy in configuring the Skeepers API.

Due to the technical complexity for API implementation, our technical experts provide you a specific Skeepers API documentation that comprehensively explains all available API calls.

Retrieving the status of feedback (invalid/test, valid) is possible. However, the API will only retrieve production feedback, that is, those identified as "valid." To obtain the status of feedback, we invite you to consult the "GET Campaign Answers" request detailed in the API documentation provided to you.

Configure the Skeepers API for a parent account

If you are an administrator, you have full autonomy regarding the use of the Skeepers API, and you can create as many API users as you need from your account. 

To do this, click on the 'Accounts' section in the left side menu of the platform.

In your organization's account settings, open the 'API' tab. Here, you will find the link to the API documentation and a list of all the API users created in your organization's Skeepers account. Then, click on the 'Add new user' button. 

Once on the API setup page, just like a regular account user, you can choose to assign more or fewer roles, rights, and permissions to your API user.

Do not hesitate to read our article that details the impact of enabling each right : The different roles and rights available on the platform.

You have complete autonomy in configuring the Skeepers API.

Given the technicality required for its setup, our technical experts provide you with access to dedicated Skeepers API documentation that details all the possible API calls.

Retrieving the status of feedback (invalid/test, valid) is possible. However, the API can only retrieve feedback in production, meaning those identified as "valid". To get the status of feedback, we invite you to consult the "GET Campaign Answers" request detailed in the API documentation provided to you.

How tokens work

Session Token

A session token is used to authenticate and authorize API requests to the platform. This token is generated at each login of the API user and is then included in API requests to identify the user and their associated authorizations.

To resume, the session token acts as a temporary and secure identifier that allows the API to access the platform's features and data, while ensuring the security and confidentiality of the information exchanged.

In Skeepers, session tokens have a validity period of 5 minutes, and the expiration date is indicated on the platform. If the 'Refresh' button is clicked, a new session token will be generated, and the validity period of the refresh token will be extended by 30 days.

Refresh Token

A refresh token is a type of token used in OAuth authentication systems to obtain new session tokens without requiring the API user to log in again.

In summary, the refresh token is a mechanism that allows the session to remain active and ensures continuous and secure access to Skeepers' features via its API.

A refresh token remains active when in use. However, if it is not used for a certain period of time, it may expire prematurely.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Customer Care team.


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