Several free fields are available: text, email, postal code, date, time, numeric, and phone fields.
To add and configure a free field, open an existing campaign or create a new one. You can choose a template or create a blank campaign.
Add new pages to your questionnaire if necessary, then click "Add element."
Several free fields are available:
Text Field
Click on Text Field. You can indicate the title of your question, make the field mandatory, choose a standard input field (for a few words), or a large field (for more comfortable writing).
In advanced settings, you will find the label. If specified, it will help you consolidate multiple responses to questions from different campaigns in your statistics.
You can also set a character limit, minimum to avoid too short responses, and maximum to avoid too long responses.
Finally, a help text can be provided if you think the question needs further clarification regarding the expected answers.
Here is a preview of the question we just configured. A message is displayed when the character limit is exceeded.
Email Field
The Email Field only allows the respondent to enter an email address in the response field. The label and help text options are also available.
This field is ideal for collecting the emails of your participants to feed your CRM through post-response actions.
Zip code field
Now click on Zip code field. This field only accepts numbers and has a specificity related to its nature: restriction to certain countries. This means that if the postal code does not comply with the numbering standards of the selected countries, the response will not be accepted.
Date field
The Date Field, as its name indicates, allows obtaining responses in date format. A date picker, enabled by default, allows your participants to select the date of their choice using the calendar.
Time field
The Time Field is similar to the date field except it is dedicated to entering a time. Therefore, this field has a time selector, which is very practical when, for example, you ask your clients for an appointment time. The respondent can easily select hours and minutes using the up and down arrows.
Numeric field
The Numeric Field only accepts numbers. You can use it, for example, to ask your participants to enter a quantity: a number of products purchased, an amount allocated to their shopping budget... or a frequency: the average connection to your website, their practice of a sport...).
Phone field
With the phone field, you can choose an international format display.
An option to restrict the country is available in the question settings, that is, the respondent's country phone code. When answering, the participant selects their place of residence from the proposed countries and enters their phone number.
When you review the participant's response, the country code will be automatically integrated into their phone number.
Media field
This field allows you to ask your respondents to upload a file.
This option is free but requires the activation of a specific account permission. If you do not have access to the media field and wish to use it in your surveys, please request activation from Support.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Customer Care team.