Create a user on your Skeepers Feedback Management account

As specified in our article All about access management on the platform, you are autonomous in managing access to your organization's Skeepers Feedback Management account.

Administrators (also known as operational managers) are the only people authorized to freely manage the creation, modification, and deletion of users. Skeepers imposes no restrictions on the number of users allowed on an account.

Glossary of access management

A Skeepers Feedback Management account is the space dedicated to your organization on the Feedback Management platform. There are three types of accounts : 

  • A standard account is a regular account dedicated to a company/entity, which has no interaction with another Skeepers Feedback Management account.
  • A parent account is a "super account" that governs several child accounts. This type of account is common for large international groups that want easy access to the content of their national entities, branches, or own brands.
  • A child account is a standard account attached to a parent account.

A user is an individual access to your organization's Skeepers account on the Feedback Management platform. It is possible to assign a certain number of rights and roles to a user.

An administrator (also called operational manager) is a "super user" who holds admin access to your organization's Skeepers account on the Feedback Management platform. They are usually designated at the beginning of the partnership with Skeepers. Subsequently, they manage the creation and management of Skeepers Feedback Management access on your organization's account. They hold this right : 

Create a user on a standard account

If you are an administrator, click at the top right of the platform to open the panel where you can choose to access your user account settings, your organization's Skeepers Feedback Management account settings, or log out of the platform.


In your organization's account settings, open the 'Users' tab. You will find the list of all users created on your organization's Skeepers account. Then press the 'Add a new user' button. 

On this page, fill in the various nominative elements of the user in the 'User Information' section.

If you are about to create a new administrator or a more technical user, feel free to check the automatic notification of platform errors in the 'Technical Notifications' section.

This option allows receiving technical notifications following data import errors (contacts, account data, feedbacks, solicitations), errors related to data reintegration mappings in business tools, or ad hoc technical communications.

The mandatory fields to fill are the user's first and last name, language, username, and email address.

Finally, further down the page, you can choose the rights you want to assign to your new user. Roles with predefined rights are available by default. Feel free to learn more in our dedicated article.

As soon as you save the page, an email will be sent to the provided email address so the user can choose their password and log in to the platform. We invite the user to allow email reception from the address "" in advance and to check their spam folder if necessary.

Create a user on a parent account

If you are administrator of the parent account, click on the 'Accounts' category in the left side menu.

In your organization's account settings, open the 'Users' tab. You will find the list of all users created on your organization's Skeepers account. Then press the 'Add a new user' button. 

On this page, fill in the various nominative elements of the user in the 'User Information' section.

If you are about to create a new administrator or a more technical user, feel free to check the automatic notification of platform errors in the 'Technical Notifications' section.

This option allows receiving technical notifications following data import errors (contacts, account data, feedbacks, solicitations), errors related to data reintegration mappings in business tools, or ad hoc technical communications.

The mandatory fields to fill are the user's first and last name, language, username, and email address.

Finally, further down the page, you can choose the rights you want to assign to your new user. Roles with predefined rights are available by default. Feel free to learn more in our dedicated article.

As soon as you save the page, an email will be sent to the provided email address so the user can choose their password and log in to the platform. We invite the user to allow email reception from the address "" in advance and to check their spam folder if necessary.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Customer Care team.


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