Variation, date, maximum score, goal achievement
Types of visualisations:
Distribution | Evolution | Comparison | Value | Ranking | Bubble graph | Variation
Current month’s NPS with its variation, based on the preceding period (day, week, month, year), to easily identify whether the score is changing favourably or not
Date filter
A specific day’s NPS with a customisable dateselector (duration and period).
Maximum score
NPS achieved in comparison with the maximumpossible indicator score, here the NPS with amaximum of 100.
Displays the total number of responses (for theBuyers segment).
Evolution Graph
Displays the total number of responses (for theBuyers segment) and visualises the associated weekly evolution.
Goal attained
Displays the total number of responses (for theBuyers segment) and indicator of progress towards a set goal (progress bar).
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