Find out how to create a new indicator step-by-step
You can create a new indicator from a list of indicators, from a dashboard or from a report:
As a first step, name your indicator, associate a label to better organise your indicators (optional) and select a data set.
Either you want to work on:
- The feedbacks: all the response to the recorded surveys.
- The visits: all visits within a campaign. Visits can be displayed for all dimensions, except the dimensions relating to the questions.
- The solicitations: all the times that a respondent was asked to participate in the survey. Solicitations may be applied for dimensions of a deployment and a date.
You can restrict the dataset for answers and visits to a specific campaign. In this case, only the dimensions and filters associated to this campaign will be available.
For example, if my campaign doesn't use the "seller" attribute, you won't be able to choose it.
We recommend you to use this feature if your indicator relates to a specific campaign to facilitate the choice of filters and dimensions afterwards.
You can also choose whether or not to use test data by checking “Include test data”. If you choose to include them, then a “Test Data” banner will appear at the bottom of your graph:
And your raw data table will be partly blurred:
Using test data can be very convenient if you want to set up metrics and create a dashboard on a campaign that hasn't yet collected actual responses.
When you select a dataset, a first graph is displayed which corresponds to the number of visits or answers for this or these campaign(s). A table with these results is also displayed below the graph.
In the right side panel you can create or modify your query.
When creating a new indicator, start by naming the query:
1. Choose the data set and select a dimension
You can choose to restrict your dataset to a campaign. In this way, you can choose the responses or visits associated with the selected campaigns. You can also choose to include or to not include test data.
In a blank thumbnail, select the first dimension to segment your statistic. You can choose from:
- "Deployments": Displays the dataset by deployment
- "Feedbacks": Displays the answers collected to a question or several specific questions
- "Date span": Displays the dataset over a period that you define by hour, days, month, year, etc.
- "Attributes": Displays the dataset according to the attributes of your choice
- "Segments": Displays answers or visits according to a segment
- "Platform": Displays answers or visits depending on the type of device (Mobile, Tablet, PC) or operating system
- "Medias": Displays your dataset according to the media type of your deployments (Email, Website, QR code, etc.)
- "Flag": Display your answers by selected Flag
- "Survey completed": Displays your answers by completed survey and not completed survey
- "Location": Displays only answers or visits from selected countries
- "Verbatims": Displays the answers according to the terms or polarities from from the verbatim analysis. For more information on verbatim analysis, see our dedicated article
Note: The dimensions displayed are linked to the dataset previously selected. If a dimension doesn't appear, we invite you to check the selected dataset.
Verbatim analysis is an option that may be activated by your Customer Success Manager, please contact us for more information.
Once you have chosen your dimension, you can click on "Apply" to register all the values associated with this dimension. If you want to restrict your analysis to a few values, select them.
In our example, we will choose to select the "Answers" dimension and the overall NPS question to display the quantity of answers by satisfaction rating.
You can add a second dimension to have an additional level of segmentation and make a cross sorting.
To display the overall NPS score by country, add the "Attributes" dimension and then choose "Country".
In the example below, we select only the values Canada, France, Japan, UK. The US value is not taken into account. If a new value is collected (for example, China), it neither won't be taken into account in this indicator.
To go further, you can limit displaying of values by choosing:
- Limit displaying to the first X items of the list;
- Display only the values for which the number of responses, visits or solicitations corresponds to a criteria of your choice.
Your two dimensions are selected and automatically cross-linked:
If you combine two dimensions with a percentage or an average calculation, a statistical significance test will be performed automatically (on a sample greater than 30). You will discover the results in the table below the graph.
For more information on a statistical significance test, read our dedicated article!
2. Data filter
It is also possible to filter results. Unlike the dimension, the filter doesn't appear in the graph. To find this, click on "Add filter" and choose from:
Select the desired filter and your graph to display only the desired data.
For example, to display overall satisfaction scores by country for the last quarter, the "Date" filter must be added.
3. Present statistical data
On Skeepers, you have calculations and formulas to make the most of and present your statistical data. By default, the graph represents the number of responses, visits or solicitations according to the dimension (s) selected.
The calculations can be selected or not depending on the dataset, dimensions and filters selected for your statistical thumbnail.
If your Statistics is based on the number of responses, the answers, the terms or the weights, you can choose a calculation of your data by:
- Percentage
- Overall NPS
- CSat
- Median
- Average
- Cumulative average
- Average of averages
- Average by positions
- Standard deviation
- Variance
In some cases, you may need to use your own calculations. We have the solution! Know that it's possible to create your own custom-made formulas, to give you more possibilities to push your statistical analyses further.
To do this, nothing could be simpler - just contact us!
In our example, to obtain the average of overall satisfaction score by country, we select the “Average” calculation:
If your calculation is based on a score (NPS, CSAT, Median, Average, etc) you can add a third dimension. In our example below you can see the average satisfaction score by country and by month, with addition of a third dimension "Date".
To go further, you can weight your results by applying:
- An adjustment on your results : see our dedicated article
- Coefficients on your results : see our dedicated article
Once your query has been created, select the graph that best illustrates your data:
Don't forget to click on the "save" button!