How to customize an indicator

Customize the display and design parameters of your indicators

You can set up the display and design of your indicators in order to have a clear reading and a quick analysis of your results.

  1. Adjusting the display settings

The "Sorting" function :

This feature will allow you to rank your axes in ascending or descending order.

For example, rank stores according to the satisfaction score obtained (from the highest to the lowest or vice versa).



Limit the display of values :

You can limit the display of values by choosing to :

  • Limit the display of the first X items in the list by combining it with the notion of "Sorting" available in the indicator parameters. You can get a Top/Flop for example.
  • Display only the values for which the number of responses, visits or solicitations is greater than 10; display the values on which the NPS is less than 20 ...

Graph values

  • "Number of decimal": Choose the number of decimal places displayed ;
  • "Display values": Display the points on a graph. We invite you to uncheck this option above 40 points to keep a display time and an optimal readability;
  • "Display mode": By default the display of the values is optimized, which means that if there are too many values for optimal display, some values will not be displayed. If you uncheck this option, all values will be displayed at the risk of reduced readability.
  • "Display the data": Display the data on the mouse over or in the table of values in brackets.
  • "Display percentage": Display the percentage in brackets for each of the values in the case of an indicator without calculation within the table.

Graph axes

By default the scale of the axes adapts to the values. For example if your NPS is between 28 and 37, the scale will be between 20 and 40 and not between - 100 and 100 to allow a better visualization of the evolutions. The scale adapts to the data displayed at the moment in the graph.

Note: You can determine a manual value, be careful in these cases it will have to be updated if necessary.



  • "Display mode": If a variation is available, select whether it is displayed in percentage or in points;
  • "Display only if significant": Display a variation if the 2 values are significant between them.


  • "Show headers": Hide or show the table headers
  • "Label of the first dimension, second dimension, statistic": Change header text
  • "Show totals": Hide or show totals
  • "Merge tables": Merge tables in the case of an indicator containing several queries


2. Design parameters

You can customize the display of the graphic elements in a very detailed way:

  • "Indicator" : background color, outline of the indicator
  • "Legend" : size, thickness, colour and choice of font
  • "Graph values" : size, thickness, colour and choice of font
  • "Graph axes" : keep the axes, manage their design
  • "Graph grid" : keep the grids, manage their design
  • "Specific display linked to the graph" : some graphics offer other specific options which you will find here
  • "Variation" : font size and colors of the variation

Changing colours :

In order to create the most readable graphics adapted to your charter you can change the colour of all elements.

You can use a color palette of your choice or a monochrome palette composed of several shades of the same color. The palette will display the series in the colour of the palette.

To add the color of your choice, enter the HTML code for the color directly or click on the circle to display a color selector; then use the circle to select the color.


Colour on objectives :

In order for the series colour to evolve according to a target of intervals defined in the solution, we invite you to use Colour on target.

Define the intervals (threshold):



The intervals are configured so that the Min. value is greater than or equal to (Min. = 50 means greater than or equal to 50) and less than the Max. limit (Max. = 100 means less than 100).

The colour will change according to the calculation.


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