How to create an attribute

This article will help you create your attribute step by step.

Are you sure you understand what an Attribute is? If not, we suggest you start by reading "What is an Attribute?"

  1. Go by the Side menu and click on Tracking then Attributes. 
  2. Click on “Create a new Attribute”. 
  3.  Enter the Attribute name. A description of the Attribute can be used as an internal reference.



Filling in the "Description" box will make it easier for you to remember its function, and will help you (and your colleagues) to recognize it later.


After that, you can set a standard type or a specific type to your Attribute:

  • Text: The attribute will accept any string. The number of characters is limited to 250 (156 if the attribute is encrypted)
  • Numeric: The Attribute will only allow numeric values. Other formats will be ignored.
  • Date: The attribute will only accept dates. You specify the format that we will receive for example [#day]-[#month]-[#year] for 03-07-2022
  • Object: The object attribute is specific to loops. Learn more about it.
  • Value list: You define a list of values (1000 values max) to be taken into account, the other values will be ignored.
  • Email: The attribute will only allow email addresses. Other formats are ignored.
  • Phone number: The attribute will only accept phone numbers. Other formats are ignored.


Then, you can set a default value:

  • Not defined: you decide not to define a value by default
  • Value: you define a default value (for example "none")
  • Contact fields: allow you to select in a list which type of contact will be used to identify the user.
  • Custom fields: allows you to link an attribute to a Contact field when sending an email or SMS from Skeepers.


Finally, you can define specifications on what you want to do with your Attribute information in your statistics (Data persistence). 

The field code has an information button for you to better understand what it's about:

Don't forget to save it.


If you want to create a date attribute in this format "yyyy-MM-dd ‘T’ HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", you must choose the value "[#year]-[#month]-[#day]\T[#hour]:[#minute]:[#second].v\Z".

Here are the description and precision of each element : 

  • "yyy" is the year (example : "2001" for the year 2001)
  • "MM" is the month in the year (example : "07" for the month of July)
  • "dd" is the day in the month (example : "04" for the 4th day of the month)
  • "T" is needed to separate the date from the time
  • "HH" is the hour (example : "13" for 1 pm) ; values are from 0 to 23 hour clock
  • "mm" is the minute in the hour (example : "59" for the 59th minute of the hour)
  • "ss" is the second in the minute (example : "45" for the 45th second in the minute)
  • "SSS" is the millisecond (example : "235" is the 235th millisecond)
  • "Z" is the timezone (example : "-700" is related to UTC-7)


Attach your attribute to a segment

To better understand why it is essential to attach your attributes to one or more segments, consult the article: Segments

  • In the side menu, click on "Segments",
  • Then "Edit" (an existing segment).



  • Finally, find the attribute(s) previously created, then save.




  • Here the "language" attribute is attached to the "Post-purchase" segment.




For each campaign where the "post-purchase" segment is selected, the attributes will be systematically selected. You will automatically complete your responses with contextual data.


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