Solve an issue with web deployment trigger

You have spent time setting up a survey to appear on your website, but are you having trouble displaying it correctly ?

Before continuing, refer to the issues described in the article "I have a problem displaying a survey on my website" to identify the exact nature of your problem. This will allow you to confirm whether this article is relevant to your situation.

This article gathers the steps to follow to identify and resolve the following display issues you may encounter with your website deployments (buttons, bars, pop-under, pop-in, and inpage) :

  • The survey does not appear at all on your website
  • The survey appears on another website
  • The survey appears randomly at the desired location
  • The survey appears in staging but not in production or vice versa
  • The survey appears in unexpected locations on your site, instead of the intended location
  • The survey appears on the wrong pages or in the wrong sections of your website

Glossary of web deployments and console commands

Glossary of web deployments

Glossary of console commands

Possible factors that can cause display issues on your website

Skeepers very rarely encounters technical incidents regarding Web, InPage, and Button deployments.

Most cases where surveys do not display or display incorrectly on your websites result from incorrect tool configuration and its interaction with your pages. If your survey displays correctly in the Preview of your deployment on the Skeepers platform, but too broadly, too locally, on the wrong page, or inappropriately on your site, this indicates a misconfiguration or integration.

Case 1

What can cause your survey not to appear on your website

Case 2

What can cause your survey not to display correctly on your website

Common errors we have observed
  • The campaign or its web deployment has not been activated (learn more about activating a campaign)
  • The campaign configurations prevent your survey from displaying (test the default display of the survey)
  • Tests are not conducted in a controlled environment = with private browsing enabled, AdBlock extensions disabled and cookies accepted
  • The domain configured in the web deployment does not match the one where tests are conducted
  • The deployment tag has not been integrated into the website or tag manager
  • The deployment tag integrated into the website/tag manager does not match the correct environment = a development environment deployment tag is implemented in the production website or vice versa
  • The deployment tag integrated into the website/tag manager is not the correct type = a standard deployment tag is implemented in a SPA (Single Page Application) site or vice versa
  • The variables conditioning the trigger are not present in the datalayer
  • The trigger conditions required to display the survey are not met
  • 2 web deployments conflict because they are present on the same page with the same trigger conditions
  • The domain configured in the web deployment does not match the one where tests are conducted
  • The deployment tag has not been updated in the website or tag manager
  • The variables conditioning the trigger are not present in the datalayer
  • The trigger conditions are not configured in the correct order on the platform when the survey display depends on a specific action on the page
  • The trigger conditions configured in the test have not been modified
  • Your website rules conflict with the script provided by Skeepers

For iFrame deployments, Skeepers only provides a URL link to your survey. You are responsible for implementing this link on your website. If the survey displays correctly via the URL, Skeepers Support does not have the capability or expertise to assist you with integration issues of this URL link on your website. We recommend using InPage deployments instead, which are more modern and can be configured directly on the platform.


Before starting the display tests for your web deployment, you will find our valuable advice below :

We detail the importance of each command here.

Check the integration of the JavaScript deployment tag and the domain used

We detail how to retrieve the deployment tag and implement it in your environment in this article : How to implement the Skeepers deployment tag on a website.

1. Is the tag correctly implemented on the website ?

To verify that the JavaScript deployment tag obtained from Skeepers is correctly implemented on your website or tag manager, it is necessary to consult the browser Console (learn how to use the console).

On the page where your survey is supposed to appear on your website, open the console and enter the command "_Mfb_domain". Then check the answer to your command.

It may happen that the deployment tag trigger is conditioned by the visitor's acceptance of cookies. Therefore, make sure to check with your teams if any cookie consent policies or similar rules are set up on your site. These restrictions can sometimes block the deployment tag until the user has explicitly accepted all cookies, which could explain why the deployment tag does not activate immediately.

2. Is the appropriate tag implemented on the website ?

To verify that the JavaScript deployment tag obtained from Skeepers is correctly implemented on your website or tag manager, it is necessary to consult the browser Console (learn how to use the console).

On the page where your survey is supposed to appear on your site, open the Console and enter the command "_Mfb_domain." Then, check if the value of this command matches your URL domain : 

3. Is the web deployment associated with the correct domain ?

As detailed in our article on this topic, you have the possibility to add and use multiple distinct web domains to display your integrated surveys.

It is therefore essential to verify that your web deployment is associated with the appropriate domain to allow optimal triggering of your survey.

Thus, in your web deployment, check the selected domain. Then click on "Manage/create domains" to ensure it matches the one where you want to deploy the survey. Make sure to distinguish your production domain from the one used for tests or development environments (staging).

The domains must be the same in your Skeepers web deployment, in your deployment tag and in the Console.

Check the trigger conditions of the web deployment

After performing the steps to verify the integration of the deployment tag and the domain used as detailed in the previous section, it is necessary to check the trigger conditions of your web deployment.

A deployment can only be triggered when all the conditions configured in the Feedback Management platform are met. As explained in the article detailing the steps to create a web deployment, a single deployment can include several types of trigger conditions. Furthermore, if one condition is required before activating another (example : opening a chatbot then performing a specific action in the chatbot), ensure that the trigger conditions configured on the platform are in the correct order.

In this section, we detail the verifications to be operated for each type of condition. We invite you to only check the elements related to your specific configurations ; a complete reading is not necessary.

1. 'Attribute' Condition

The 'Attribute' condition is based on the attributes created on your account, added to the segment linked to your campaign, and configured in your web deployment on the Skeepers Feedback Management platform.

To verify that the attributes are correctly valued in the tag, it is necessary to consult the browser Console (learn how to use the console).

On the page where your survey is supposed to appear on your site, open the console and enter the command "_Mfb_ud".

  • If the attribute appears with the correct value (here ""), it means it is correctly valued in your tag and is being used to condition the display of your integrated survey.

  • If the attribute appears with an incorrect value or format, it means it is not correctly valued in your deployment tag, so it is essential to ensure that all the following elements are correctly taken into account :
  1. The attribute values in the tag are case-sensitive, so "test" and "Test" are not considered the same value.
  2. The attribute name in the tag must be correctly spelled, "rr_customr_email" will not be recognized correctly without the "e".
  3. The attribute name in the tag must be the one displayed as "System name" in the 'Tracking' category of the Skeepers platform.
  4. For a "Value list" type of attribute, the attribute value names in the deployment tag must be those displayed as "Value" in the 'Tracking' category of the Skeepers platform and not as "Label".  

2. 'Random' Condition

The 'Random' condition is based on the display probability set by fraction or percentage as configured in your web deployment on the Skeepers Feedback Management platform.

We encourage you to not set up a random condition if the target corresponds to the entire population. Indeed, adding a random condition at "1 for 1" or "100%" complicates configurations without any effect on the display.

If you want to set up a random condition for A/B testing, we invite you to consult our dedicated documentation which details all the setup steps.

3. 'Date' Condition

The 'Date' condition is based on the date, time, or period as configured in your web deployment on the Skeepers Feedback Management platform. The period specified in your deployment will align with the local time zone of the browser used by the individual who created the condition.

The condition is evaluated based on the date set on the visitor's browser or platform when they access your site.

Thus, when you configure a trigger intended for an international audience, it is necessary to adapt your date condition to your target's time zone. This means that for a display from 08:00 to 18:00 in Japan, the condition of your web deployment should be set to the time range from 00:00 to 10:00 Paris time.

4. 'Referrer' Condition

The 'Referrer' condition is based on the domain or specific URL as configured in your web deployment on the Skeepers Feedback Management platform.

Thanks to the cookies tracked by the deployment tag, the evaluation is based on where the visitor comes from (the site or location they were on before arriving on the current page).

To verify that the source matches the one configured in the condition of your web deployment, it is necessary to consult the browser Console (learn how to use the console).

After visiting a page or specific domain covered by your trigger condition, open the console and enter the command "window.document.referrer", the answer will be the URL of the previously visited page :

It is important to ensure that the elements match those in the web deployment configuration by specifically checking that :

  • The values in the tag are case-sensitive, so "" and "" are not considered the same value.
  • The values in the tag must be correctly spelled, "" will not be recognized correctly if it is supposed to be "".

5. 'Platform' Condition

The 'Platform' condition is based on the type of device (computer, tablet, or phone) as configured in your web deployment on the Skeepers Feedback Management platform.

Thanks to the cookies tracked by the deployment tag, the condition is evaluated based on the type of device used by the visitor when they access your site. That is, the condition checks the visitor's environment to determine if it matches the one that should display the survey.

On a computer, you have the option to test the display of an online survey for a mobile or tablet target, it is necessary to consult the browser Console (learn how to use the console).

To do this, simply open the console and click on the button that represents a mobile device (named "Toggle Device Toolbar" on Google Chrome or "Responsive Design Mode" on Mozilla Firefox) :

You have the option to select the specific platform of your choice, which will then be detected in the evaluation of the trigger condition of your survey. It is essential to perform these tests in a browser in full-screen mode to avoid misinterpretations of the trigger conditions.

6. 'Visited page' Condition

The 'Visited page' condition is based on the visit threshold set for a page or website relative to a current visit or browser history, as configured in your web deployment on the Skeepers Feedback Management platform.

Thanks to the cookies tracked by the deployment tag, the condition is evaluated based on the previous pages visited on your website. This condition can meet several needs :

  • If a certain number of unspecified pages have been visited during the current session on your site
  • If a specific page has been visited a certain number of times during the current session on your site
  • If a certain number of unspecified pages have been visited over the last X days
  • If a specific page has been visited a certain number of times over the last X days

To verify in the deployment tag the retrieval of visited page information, it is necessary to consult the browser Console (learn how to use the console).

When visiting your site, after browsing a certain number of pages included in your web deployment's configuration, open the console and enter the following commands :

  • With "localStorage.getItem("")", the answer will be the number of pages visited counted on the website during the session =

  • With "JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(""));", the answer will be the URL paths/pages visited as well as the number of visits of each displayed URL path during the session =

  • With "parsedData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('')).visitedPages;
    Object.keys(parsedData).forEach(k = {
    parsedData[k].time = new Date(parsedData[k].time);
    });parsedData", the answer will be all the URL paths/pages visited as well as the number of visits of each displayed URL path based on the visitor's browser history =

Please note that only the URL path is taken into account in this condition. Therefore, the domain ("") will not be displayed and should not be used in your trigger conditions on the platform.

Also, the "/" in the answer usually corresponds to the homepage of your site ("").

The number of items in "idSession" corresponds to the number of visits to the site retrieved in the visitor's browser history.

It is important to verify that the tested path matches the one displayed in the console :

  • If, after browsing several pages, only the first page appears in the console, this may indicate that the deployment tag is not triggered as many times as necessary. In this case, it is recommended to check with your internal IT contacts if your site uses a SPA (Single Page Application) architecture.
  • If a visited page does not appear in the console, this may mean that the deployment tag is not correctly implemented on this page. Therefore, follow the steps in the section "1. Is the tag correctly implemented on the website ?".
  • If you notice more pages in the console than those actually visited, it is possible that incorrect tag triggers may be occurring. In this case, it is important to report this issue to your IT team.

7. 'Number of visits' Condition

The 'Number of visits' condition is based on the visit threshold defined over a dedicated range of days, as configured in your web deployment on the Skeepers Feedback Management platform.

Thanks to the cookies tracked by the deployment tag, the condition is evaluated based on the number of visits to your website counted for this visitor.

To verify in the tag the retrieval of visit count information, it is necessary to consult the browser Console (learn how to use the console).

During the visit to your site, open the console and enter the command "parsedData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('')).visitedPages;
Object.keys(parsedData).forEach(k = {
parsedData[k].time = new Date(parsedData[k].time);
});parsedData", the answer will be all the URL paths/pages visited as well as the number of visits of each displayed URL path based on the visitor's browser history =

Next, it is necessary to verify how many sessions have occurred since the start of the period defined in the condition until the current session. A visit corresponds to a session.

8. 'Time spent' Condition

The 'Time spent' condition is based on a threshold of seconds or minutes spent on a specific page or even on your entire website, as configured in your web deployment on the Skeepers Feedback Management platform.

When the defined location and time spent have been detected, the trigger condition is met, and the survey is displayed on the page.

  • To verify in the deployment tag the time spent on your site during the current session, it is necessary to consult the browser Console (learn how to use the console).

During the visit to the website covered by your trigger condition, open the console and enter the command "new Date(localStorage.getItem("")*1)", the answer will be the timestamp of the start of your session, from which the time spent on the site will be counted :

  • To verify in the deployment tag the time spent on a specific page of your site during the current session, it is necessary to consult the browser Console (learn how to use the console).

During the visit to the page of your website covered by your trigger condition, open the console and enter the command "parsedData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('')).visitedPages;
new Date(", the answer will be the timestamp of the start of your session, from which the time spent on the page will be counted :

9. 'Solicitation' Condition

The 'Solicitation' condition is based on one or more campaigns or deployment already displayed over a defined period, as configured in your web deployment on the Skeepers Feedback Management platform. This condition can meet a need to avoid over-solicitation of a visitor.

  • To verify in the tag all the campaigns already displayed for the visitor, it is necessary to consult the browser Console (learn how to use the console).

On your website, open the console and enter the command "parsedData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(''));
Object.keys(parsedData).forEach(k = {
parsedData[k] = new Date(parsedData[k]);
});parsedData", the answer will be the timestamp of the solicitation with the series of numbers corresponding to the ID of the displayed campaigns :

  • To verify in the tag all the deployments already displayed for the visitor, it is necessary to consult the browser Console (learn how to use the console).

On your website, open the console and enter the command "parsedData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(''));
Object.keys(parsedData).forEach(k = {
parsedData[k] = new Date(parsedData[k]);
});parsedData", the answer will be the timestamp of the solicitation with the series of numbers corresponding to the ID of the displayed deployments :

10. 'On page' Condition

The 'On page' condition is based on a page, or a group of pages, visited or not, as configured in your web deployment on the Skeepers Feedback Management platform.

Thanks to the cookies tracked by the deployment tag, the condition is evaluated based on the URL path valued on the page the visitor is currently viewing on your website.

As specified in the glossary, the URL path to be configured in the Skeepers Feedback Management platform corresponds to what is located after the domain and before the parameters (indicated by "?") and anchors (indicated by "#").

To verify in the tag the retrieval of the currently visited page information, it is necessary to consult the browser Console (learn how to use the console).

During the visit to a page or group of pages covered by your trigger condition, open the console and enter the command "window.location.pathname", the answer will be the URL path of the current page :


Ensure that your configurations on the platform contain or match the page or group of pages targeted.

11. 'On event' Condition

The 'On event' condition is based on an action on the visited page (click, hover or focus on a specific element) as configured in your web deployment on the Skeepers Feedback Management platform.

Thanks to the cookies tracked by the deployment tag, the condition is evaluated based on the action on a specific element by the visitor on the page of your website.

When the event is detected, the trigger condition is met and the survey is displayed on the page. To test this type of condition, it is necessary to simulate the action on the page.

As the trigger follows the interaction with a specific element, it is necessary to verify that :

  • The selector chosen in the web deployment configuration exists
  • The selector matches in value to what is returned in the deloyment tag on your website
  • The event is correctly triggered on your website (if the click is considered a "standard click" by the browser)

12. 'Browser event' Condition

The 'Browser Event' condition is based on an action or state of the browser on the visited page (loading, scrolling, exit intent or inactivity), as configured in your web deployment on the Skeepers Feedback Management platform.

Thanks to the cookies tracked by the deployment tag, the condition is evaluated based on the visitor's action in their browser, on the page of your website.

When the browser event is detected, the trigger condition is met and the survey is displayed on the page. To test this type of condition, it is necessary to simulate the action in the browser (do not move the cursor, try to direct the cursor towards the navigation bar, etc...).

Some criteria may be contradictory. Thus, it is impossible to use the "Exit Intent" event on a mobile or tablet platform.

13. 'Website variable' Condition

The 'Website variable' condition is based on variables that you use internally in your environment, which you have also added to the deployment tag ("number of connections", "first connection", etc.), as configured in your web deployment on the Skeepers Feedback Management platform.

Thanks to the cookies tracked by the deployment tag, the condition is evaluated based on the value of this variable on your website and in the deployment tag.

The difference between a condition based on an attribute and one based on a website variable lies in the fact that the variable is defined only at the deployment level, making it not global to the entire Feedback Management account, unlike attributes.

Just like attribute conditions, website variables are case-sensitive. Therefore, we encourage you to check that the values match in both the platform's conditions and in your deployment tag (spelling, extra spaces, etc.).

14. 'Indicators' Condition

The 'Indicators' condition is based on reaching a threshold defined in one of the indicators created in the Library on your account and specifically the one configured in your web deployment on the Skeepers Feedback Management platform.

We invite you to test the triggering of your web deployment to verify if the survey display is correctly counted in your indicator. If not, you will need to check the configuration of your indicator (action that adds a value, consideration of test data, etc...).

Unable to resolve your issue ?

After consulting and following our documentation, contact us via the Contact Icon available in the left-hand sidebar of the platform.

Before contacting us, please check the following and attach the requested screenshots :

  1. The exact URL where your web deployment survey is supposed to appear

  2. The URL where you conducted your display tests (if different from the previous point)
  3. Specify whether the URL is accessible to Skeepers teams. If possible, make arrangements to provide us access.
  4. The name of your deployment in the Skeepers platform, along with its direct access link
  5. A screenshot of the console after entering the command "_Mfb_ud"

  6. A screenshot of the console after entering the command "_Mfb_domain"

  7. A screenshot of the console after entering the command "MFB.start()"

    If you have a time-based condition, wait for the necessary time before taking the screenshot of MFB.start(). For example, if you need to wait 5 seconds, run MFB.start() and wait the 5 seconds before taking the screenshot.

Without all of these elements, we will not be able to perform a complete analysis of your issue.

After submitting your request, please do not make any changes to your web deployment. This will allow the Skeepers teams to carry out the necessary investigations to resolve your issue.

If this instruction is not followed, our conclusions may not be reliable, as they may not reflect the actual state of the deployment.

When taking screenshots, be sure to include all elements by capturing the entire page, the navigation bar with the visible URL, as well as the entire console with all values displayed. This will provide us with all the necessary information for a thorough analysis.

Also, do not forget to click the arrow to the left of the command answer to expand it and display all elements.



What domains should be added to the Content Security Policy (CSP) rules ?

If your site has a Content Security Policy (CSP), allow with * and * in it.

  • (domain name of the Skeepers CDN hosting the resources)
  • * (domain name containing the resources necessary for displaying surveys)
  • * (group domain name)

Feel free to consult our article dedicated to CSP.

Can two web deployments coexist on the same page ?
It is possible to display two web deployments on the same page, but not simultaneously. It is therefore essential to define distinct trigger/solicitation conditions to avoid code overlap, which could create a conflict and result in neither deployment being displayed.
How do I know if my website is standard or SPA ?
To determine if a page is a SPA (Single Page Application) or an MPA (Multi-Page Application), you can observe the navigation behavior. In a SPA, navigation between sections of the website occurs without a full page reload, and only specific elements are updated via JavaScript. You can verify this by observing the "Network" tab in the console : SPAs make API requests without loading new HTML files. Conversely, an MPA reloads the entire page with each navigation, with full HTML requests for each new page. A single site can have both SPAs and MPAs.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Customer Care team.


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