Extra content overview

On the Skeepers Feedback Management platform, you have the ability to manage the various messages displayed in your surveys based on your campaign's activation or its access by respondents.

These specific pages and messages are called extra content. Extra content can be modified globally for those used in multiple surveys or specifically for a particular campaign/deployment.

In this article, we detail each type of extra content and the full range of customization options available.


First and foremost, ensure that you have planned and built your survey. All scenarios and flows should be in place within your campaign.

The configuration of extra content occurs once you have attached a deployment to the campaign and before deploying the survey. Since the translation of these elements is also possible, we recommend modifying extra content before the campaign translation phase.

What is extra content of campaign ?

Extra content of campaign refers to the various pages that can appear in the survey depending on the respondent's context or the campaign's status. They have a default message but can be fully customized to meet specific campaign needs or the overall needs of an organization's account.

Here are the details of each type of campaign extra content : 

Extra content Description Default page Possible modifications

Page displayed when the respondent has clicked a "Submit form and finish" button in the survey and potentially wants to return to the home page

Specific or global customization of text content

Formatting, table, image, hyperlink, video, CSS/HTML code

Option to enable a button to return to the start of the survey

Before deployment

Page displayed when the activation period set in the campaign or the segment has not yet started

Specific or global customization of text content

Formatting, table, image, hyperlink, video, CSS/HTML code


Page displayed when the segment attached to the campaign is inactive, or the maximum number of answers defined before deactivation has been reached

Specific or global customization of text content

Formatting, table, image, hyperlink, video, CSS/HTML code

After deployment

Page displayed when the activation period for the campaign or the segment attached to the campaign has expired

Specific or global customization of text content

Formatting, table, image, hyperlink, video, CSS/HTML code


Page displayed when participation management rules have been configured and a respondent has already submitted feedback based on their visit or a specific attribute value

Specific or global customization of text content

Formatting, table, image, hyperlink, video, CSS/HTML code

Manage extra content of campaign

Depending on the need, campaign extra content can be modified in two ways :

  • The global method for all campaigns using the default template defined in account settings
  • The specific method for a specific campaign where the default template has been modified in the campaign settings

Global configuration of campaign extra content

With the appropriate permissions (available in our dedicated article), access the 'Settings' category in the left-hand menu on the platform. Then select "Extra content" under the "Campaigns" section.

By clicking the "Edit" button, you can modify the textual content of the element for all its occurrences in the campaigns where it is used by default.

You can add formatting, tables, graphic content, hyperlinks, videos, and even customization codes.

Some extra content has additional configuration options, detailed here :

  • The Confirmation page can contain a "Back to Home" button, allowing the respondent to return to the beginning of the survey

Enabling the "Back to Home" button without setting up participation management for your campaign (more info here) allows respondents to submit new answers.

Specific configuration of campaign extra content

To access campaign settings, click the gear icon at the top of the survey and then click the "Settings" button that appears on the right.

Next, go to the "Extra content" section within the campaign settings.

By clicking the "Edit" button and then selecting "Create a specific content", you can modify the textual content of the element for this specific campaign.

You can add formatting, tables, graphic content, hyperlinks, videos, and even customization codes.

Some extra content has additional configuration options, detailed here :

  • The Confirmation page can contain a "Back to Home" button, allowing the respondent to return to the beginning of the survey

What is extra content of deployment ?

Extra content of deployment consists of various messages displayed in the survey at specific points. This content can be fully customized based on the specific needs of a deployment or the global requirements of an organization's account.

Apart from Info, all other types of deployment extra content are empty and inactive by default.

Here is a breakdown of each type of deployment extra content :

Extra content Description Illustration Possible modification
Title and footer

Message displayed above and below the elements in your survey

Specific or global customization of textual content

For the footer: formatting, table, image, hyperlink, video, CSS/HTML code

In the deployment settings, the title and footer can be hidden, which also hides the logo


Message displayed when clicking on the "Infos" button at the bottom of the page

Specific or global customization of textual content

Formatting, table, image, hyperlink, video, CSS/HTML code

Using a specific CSS tag, the Info content can always be displayed without requiring a button click

Campaign list content

Message displayed above and below campaign names when multiple active campaigns are linked to the same deployment

Specific or global customization of textual content

Formatting, table, image, hyperlink, video, CSS/HTML code

Segment List Content

Message displayed above and below segment names when the same campaign has multiple active linked segments

Specific or global customization of textual content

Formatting, table, image, hyperlink, video, CSS/HTML code

Subtitle Message displayed under the survey title to identify the deployment specifically

Specific customization of textual content

Formatting, table, image, hyperlink, video, CSS/HTML code

Manage extra content of deployment

Depending on the need, extra content of deployment can be modified in two ways : 

  • The global method for all deployments using the default model defined in the account settings
  • The specific method for a specific deployment where the default model has been modified in the deployment settings

Global configuration of deployment extra content

With the appropriate permissions (found in our dedicated article), go to the 'Settings' section in the left sidebar of the platform. Then select 'Extra content' under the 'Deployments' section.

By clicking the "Edit" button, you can modify the textual content of the item for all its occurrences in deployments where it is used by default.

You can add formatting, a table, an image, a redirect link, a video, or customization codes.

Some extra content has specific configuration options, detailed as follows : 

  • The survey Title does not have formatting options available
  • You can hide the survey Title, its logo, and its Footer in the general deployment settings
  • The survey Subtitle is configurable only in a specific deployment, not at the global level
  • With specific CSS codes implemented by your technical integrators, you can hide or display Info without needing a click (learn more about advanced graphical customization of surveys

Specific configuration of deployment extra content

Access the deployment settings by clicking the 'Settings' button that appears in the upper-right corner of the deployment linked to your campaign.

Then go to the 'Extra content' section in the deployment settings.

By clicking the "Edit" button and then "Create a specific content", you can modify the textual content of the item for this specific deployment.

You can add formatting, a table, an image, a redirect link, a video, or customization codes.

Some extra content has specific configuration options, detailed as follows : 

  • The survey Title does not have formatting options available
  • You can hide the survey Title, its logo, and its Footer in the general deployment settings
  • The survey Subtitle is configurable only in a specific deployment, not at the global level
  • With specific CSS codes implemented by your technical integrators, you can hide or display Info without needing a click (learn more about advanced graphical customization of surveys)

If you manage multiple deployments, ensure that you complete the extra content in each of their settings.

If you have numerous deployments linked to the same campaign and can do so without disrupting the account’s functionality, we encourage you to use the global method.

Translate extra content

After completing the various extra campaign and deployment content in your settings, you can translate these elements if your surveys are multilingual. Depending on whether you wish to translate the default content or the specific content for a survey, the procedures differ.

After translation, we recommend limiting modifications to the various extra content to avoid forgetting to translate updated or newly added elements.

Global translation of campaign extra content

To globally translate default campaign extra content, you must have the appropriate rights. Access the 'Settings' category in the left-hand menu on the platform. Then select "Extra content" under the "Campaigns" section.

Next, go to the 'Translate' tab and click on the "Add new language" button.

All that is left is to choose the target language and translate the various elements.

As detailed in our article on translation settings, there are three ways to perform the translation :

Your translations for campaign extra content are ready when all items are completed.

After this step, if these default campaign extra content items have been set up in campaigns, the displayed language will align with your language management settings to ensure availability for the right respondents.

Global translation of deployment extra content

To globally translate default deployment extra content, you must have the appropriate rights. Access the 'Settings' category in the left-hand menu on the platform. Then select "Extra content" under the "Deployments" section.

Next, go to the 'Translate' tab and click on the "Add new language" button.

All that is left is to choose the target language and translate the various elements.

As detailed in our article on translation settings, there are three ways to perform the translation :

Your translations for deployment extra content are ready when all items are completed.

After this step, the displayed language of these items will align with your language management settings to ensure availability for the right respondents.

Specific translation of campaign extra content

To translate campaign extra content specific to a campaign, go to your campaign settings by clicking on the gear icon at the top of the survey, then click on the 'Settings' button that appears on the right.

Next, go to the 'Translate' section in the campaign settings.

If you have not yet translated the elements in your survey, click on the "Add new language" button and follow the article with step-by-step instructions.

If all survey elements have already been translated, the remaining number of items to translate will be displayed in the "Progress" column. Simply click on the "Edit" button in the language where you wish to translate your campaign extra content. Check out the various translation methods in our dedicated article.

Your campaign extra content is ready to broadcast as soon as all translations are complete.

Specific translation of extra content for distribution

To translate the extra content specific to a deployment, you need to access its settings by clicking the 'Settings' button that appears at the top right of the distribution linked to your campaign.

Then, go to the 'Translate' section in the deployment settings and click on the "Add new language" button.

All you need to do is choose the target language and translate the various elements.

As detailed in our article on translation settings, there are three ways to perform the translation :

Your translations of deployment extra content are ready once they are all complete.

After this step, the displayed language of these elements will align with your language management settings to make them available to the correct respondents.


Congratulations, you can now manage the various messages and text displays of your surveys on the Skeepers Feedback Management platform !

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Customer Care team.


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