Email deployment is a powerful tool for maximizing the impact of your communications and encouraging participation in your surveys. Email deployment is a powerful feature that allows you to customise the message that will invite your respondents to participate to your survey. You can also directly integrate the first question of your campaign in the email to increase your participation rate!
Email deployment is characterised by two main steps:
- The creation of an email deployment: design and customize your message to make it attractive and relevant.
- The setup of an email deployment : adjust the settings and content of your email so that it is ready to be sent to your recipients.
The creation of an email deployment.
Go to "Deployments" and click on "Create new deployment":
Two survey experiences are available
- A classic deployment: a normal type of survey display
- Conversational deployment: a type of display that provides an interactive experience with the respondent. The survey is conducted as if it were part of a conversation.
Select the one that best fits you needs.
Then select the email deployment:
Now you must select the sender. You have two options: send the email with Skeepers or your with your own provider.
1) You send your email via your own provider
- Select the campaign you want to deploy
- Then give a name to your deployment
Select the display mode of your choice:
You have the choice between three types of integration by email:
- First question with recording of the first answer: the answer is recorded, the survey is opened on the second question. If your respondent abandons at this stage, the response is counted and usable in your analysis.
- First question with pre-filling of the first answer: the survey is opened on the first question with the pre-filled answer given in the email. Your respondent can modify the answer, it will be validated subsequently at the click of a button. If your respondent gives up at this step, the response is not counted.
Warning: In case of recording of the first response in the email, "robots" testing the URLs contained in the emails may respond instead of the real recipient.
These cases can represent a significant part of the responses on BtoB or Internal targets. We recommend that you only use pre-filling on BtoB or Employee targets.
Check this article: how to add a question directly inside my emails.
If your campaign collects attributes, check that the segment is attached to the campaign, then click on URL Generator.
The attributes attached to our segment appear with empty fields so you could complete the values.
To fill in the field you can:
- Click on "Use code", if you included the code when creating the attribute:
- Or leave the field empty. In this case it will be completed by "Value" and in your emailing tool manually replace "Value" by the code.
The first solution is recommended.
Here we use the values of one of our applications (Mailchimp) connected to Skeepers. To connect your Mailchimp app to Skeepers, read the dedicated article.
Here are our values:
*|MERGE0|* corresponds to "first name" in Mailchimp and to the attribute “firstname" in Skeepers
*|MERGE1|* corresponds to "Last Name" in Mailchimp and to the attribute "lastname" in Skeepers
*|MERGE2|* corresponds to "Email" in Mailchimp and to the attribute "email " in Skeepers
You just have to click on "Generate" and the URL or the HTML is now available!
Just click on "Generate" and the URL is now available!
You're done. 👍
If you want to encrypt the attributes in the URL, we suggest you use two methods:
- Base64 encoding to limit the visibility of attributes in the URL;
- AEAD method (authenticated encryption with associated data) to simultaneously ensure the confidentiality and authenticity of the data with the approach called Encrypt then MAC (EtM).
Learn more here : How to encode or encrypt the attributes contained in my URL?
2) You send your email via Skeepers:
- Select the campaign you want to deploy,
- Then give a name to your deployment.
The setup of an email deployment
You have 7 steps to setup your email.
1.Choose the Broadcast list who contains your contacts (if necessary, check this: create or import a new broadcast list)
2. Select the Email template (if necessary check this: create an email template)
3. Choose the integration mode of the survey.
You have the choice between three types of integration by email:
- First question with recording of the first answer: the answer is recorded, the survey is opened on the second question. If your respondent abandons at this stage, the response is counted and usable in your analysis.
- First question with pre-filling of the first answer: the survey is opened on the first question with the pre-filled answer given in the email. Your respondent can modify the answer, it will be validated subsequently at the click of a button. If your respondent gives up at this step, the response is not counted.
Warning: In case of recording of the first response in the email, "robots" testing the URLs contained in the emails may respond instead of the real recipient.
These cases can represent a significant part of the responses on BtoB or Internal targets. We recommend that you only use pre-filling on BtoB or Employee targets.
Check this article: how to add a question directly inside my emails.
- The url of my survey, allows you to share your campaign by a simple link, or even to integrate this url to an image or a button in your email. When you use the URL of your survey, we recommend that you generate an URL to attach your attributes to the deployment link in your email.
4. Select the language of your email from:
- The Original template language is the one you used to write your email.
- The Contact's language is the language assigned to the participant.
- The Contact country's language is based on the respondent's location (depending on the web browser).
- The Force language, you can force the deployment to a desired language. For example, if you are broadcasting your campaign to American expatriates in a foreign country but want them to be able to respond in english, even if they are geolocalised abroad and are using tools in a different language.
5. Select the type of solicitation you want from the choice list.
You can choose not to distribute your campaign to your contacts who have already been solicited for a certain period of time. This means that if your contacts have already received a request to participate, they will not receive a new request during the time you define.
This allows you not to collect duplicate answers, but especially not to unnecessarily disturb your contacts who have already received a request to participate in your survey.
6. Send only to contacts updated.
You can choose to check the Send only to contacts updated box, if you do not want your contacts already solicited to be solicited again (always respecting the chosen unsolicited period). Thus only the updated contacts will receive the email the next time you send it.
I would like to solicit all the contacts who have not been solicited by this deployment since 1 month and who were updated 1 day before, so yesterday.
7. Define if you want to send your email immediately or later.
This option allows you to determine if the deployment email is sent immediately or if it will be sent on a defined sending date.
You can now save your deployment
and then activate it.
Your deployment is now ready.
All you have to do is test your deployment (learn more about the test mode here) and send out invitations to answer your survey.
Examples of email deployments.
Here is an example of email deployment with the integration of the first question of the campaign in the body of the email.