Translation management overview

On Skeepers Feedback Management platform, you have the ability to easily and intuitively manage the multilingual aspects of the elements you deploy (surveys, sends, and data sharing).

There is no need to create a specific campaign or template for each language ; the platform allows you to manage multiple display languages within the same element. If your goal is to ensure that each respondent accesses a survey in the appropriate language or that your notification is sent in the correct language, this article is for you. The configuration is scalable and offers a wide range of customization options.

Glossary of language management

Original language

The original language of a campaign is the language in which you wrote the questions and completed the survey elements. It is not defined by default, so you must select the appropriate language in the campaign settings as well as in the deployment settings.

Standard language

A standard language is a universal version of a language (examples : French, English, Spanish, etc.). Selecting it will cover all its regional variants.

Regional variant

A regional variant is a form of the standard language specific to a region (examples: Canadian French, British English, Colombian Spanish, etc.). When selected, only respondents with this specific language setting will see the survey in this language. It does not cover other regional variants of the same standard language.

IP location feature

IP location detects the location and country from which the respondent accesses the survey if they have allowed Skeepers to know their location. If account permissions for this feature are active, you only need to enable it in the deployment settings.

Geolocation feature

Geolocation identifies the location by GPS coordinates from which the respondent accesses the survey if they have allowed Skeepers to know their location. If account permissions for this feature are active, you only need to enable it in the deployment settings.

Lang parameter

The "lang" parameter in the URL and deployment tag is an international code used to specify a language in ISO 639-1 format for a standard language ("pt" for Portuguese) or in ISO 3166-1 format for a regional variant ("pt-br" for Brazilian Portuguese).

Extra content of campaign

The extra content of campaign refers to the various pages that can appear in the survey based on the respondent's context or the campaign's status. They have a default message but can be fully customized to meet specific campaign needs or the global requirements of an organization’s account.

Here is a breakdown of each type of extra content of campaign content :

  • Confirmation : the page displayed when the respondent has clicked a "Submit form and finish" button in the survey
  • Before deployment : the page displayed when the activation period configured in the campaign has not yet started
  • Inactivity : the page displayed when the segment linked to the campaign is inactive or the maximum answer limit defined before deactivation has been reached
  • After deployment : the page displayed when the campaign's activation period or that of the segment linked to the campaign has ended
  • Unauthorized : the page displayed when participation rules have been set and a respondent has already submitted feedback by visiting or by a specific attribute value
Extra content of deployment

The extra content of deployment refers to the different messages that appear in the survey at specific points. This content can be fully customized to meet the specific needs of a deployment or the global requirements of an organization’s account.

Here is a breakdown of each type of extra content of deployment :

  • Title and footer : message displayed above and below the elements of your survey
  • Info : message displayed when clicking the "Infos" button located at the bottom of the page
  • Campaign list content : message displayed above and below campaign names when multiple active campaigns are attached to the same deployment
  • Segment list content : message displayed above and below segment names when a single campaign has multiple linked active segments
  • Subtitle : message displayed below the survey title to identify the deployment in a specific way


The platform natively offers the ability to translate a wide range of elements from different features. Here is a detailed overview of these various elements :

Platform elements Illustration Translation access
  1. Campaign
  2. Campaign settings
  3. 'Translate' section
Extra content of campaign
  1. Campaign
  2. Campaign settings
  3. 'Translate' section


  1. Account settings
  2. 'Extra content of campaign' section
  3. 'Translate' tab
Extra content of deployment
  1. Deployment
  2. Deployment settings
  3. 'Translate' section


  1. Account settings
  2. 'Extra content of deployment' section
  3. 'Translate' tab
Email templates
  1. Account settings
  2. 'Email templates' section
  3. 'Translate' tab
SMS templates
  1. Account settings
  2. 'SMS templates' section
  3. 'Translate' tab
Campaign reports
  1. Analysis
  2. Reports
  3. Campaign reports
  4. Campaign report settings
  5. 'Translate' section
Customized reports
  1. Analysis
  2. Reports
  3. Customized reports
  4. Customized report settings
  5. 'Translate' section

All other platform elements can only be displayed in a single language : the original language set in the element. Thus, if you wish, for instance, to set up an automatic export of raw data by email (modify the email shared internally), you will need to create as many versions of the element as there are target languages.


First, we suggest that you consider and target the intended audience for the elements you wish to provide in multiple languages through the platform. Whether for translating campaigns, extra content, templates, or data sharing, we recommend completing all configurations in the original language before setting up translations.

This will allow you to handle translations in a single pass instead of needing to revisit configurations each time you modify or add an element.

For these reasons, translation is one of the final steps before deploying elements to your multilingual audience.

To avoid potential compatibility issues with language configurations, we advise using "standard" languages in your surveys (example : "French"). This is because when choosing "regional variants" (example : "French (Canada)"), if someone views it in a different regional variant (example : "French (Belgium)"), they may not see the element displayed in the correct language. By default, standard languages cover all their regional variants and ensure optimal compatibility.

Manage the display language for multilingual elements

After configuring and saving your element translations, we encourage you to refer to the dedicated article to learn about the default language management and its various configuration options.

The 3 translation methods on the platform

On the platform, elements can be translated using 3 different methods:

You can easily combine different translation methods for added convenience : perform an initial "global" automatic translation and then review certain translations as needed.

Please note that, in addition to text content, you can also provide translations of visuals. To do this, they must be manually imported into the translation.

In its translated version, the imported visual will replace the one configured in the survey's original language.

Automatic translation

To save you valuable time in setting up your translations, we offer an integrated tool that can automatically translate the content of the elements presented in the previous section.

By clicking the "Translate all" button, the entire content (excluding visuals) will be translated into the target language you selected.

Here is a preview of the survey translations that our integrated automatic translation tool can offer :

You have the option to force the translation of an element by clicking the blue arrow button.

Of course, you can review the proposed translations at any time. We simply advise you not to click the "Translate all" button again if you have already made adjustments to certain elements, as this would overwrite all your corrections with the default automatic translation.

Automatic translation offers an initial completion of elements, but we strongly recommend that a linguistic expert read over the content. This tool saves time. However, a review by your team is essential to ensure optimal translation quality.

Manual translation

Alongside and complementing automatic translation, you can manually fill in the translations for each element. To do this, simply complete the empty fields next to each label.

For rich content and elements with formatting, to avoid altering the graphic layout, it is advised to modify the textual content by replacing the original text with your translation. This has no impact on the content in the default language of the survey.

If you make changes to elements in your original language, new elements may need translation, and you will see the number of changes to review in your list of translations.

In such cases, you can choose to display only the missing translations to target specific actions.

We recommend using automatic translation before making adjustments with manual translation to streamline the task and save time.

Translation by CSV file import

Finally, the last option allows you to import your own translation into the platform.

If you have a speaker in the target language, this option will be the most optimal.

To do this, you must first download the file detailing the expected format. Simply click the "Actions" button, then "Export to CSV".

Next, complete the translation in column D of the CSV file.

Then import the CSV file into the platform.

If the import is a success, the following message will appear, and your translations will be automatically imported into the platform.

If there is an error in completing the file or an incorrect import format, an error message will appear, and you will need to make the necessary adjustments before importing the file again.

Lines that are left incomplete in your CSV file will remain empty by default on the platform.

For rich content and elements with formatting, to preserve the visual layout, it is recommended to modify the text content by replacing the original text with your translation. This has no impact on the content in the survey's default language.

If you would like to import a translation in a language that is not yet supported on the platform, please contact Skeepers Support. We can make this new language available on the platform within a month, with no additional cost.

Translate a survey's content

By default, a survey's language is not defined. Therefore, you need to access the campaign settings to select the default display language. First, click on the gear icon located in the center at the top of your survey, then click the "Settings" button.

In the 'General' section of the campaign settings, simply choose the appropriate language from the dropdown list detailing the survey’s original language.

Once this is done, still in the campaign settings, go to the 'Translate' section and click on the "Add new  language" button.

Here, you will have three options to complete your translations : 

Please note that in addition to textual content, you can also provide translations for graphic content. To do this, you must manually import them into the translation.

In its translated version, the imported visual will replace the one configured in the survey’s original language.

Your translations are ready when they are all completed. The final step is to manage the language to make it available to the appropriate respondents.

Translate extra content of survey

On the platform, extra content comes in two types : 

  • Extra content of campaign = pages that appear in the survey depending on the respondent’s context or campaign status
  • Extra content of deployment = messages that appear in specific locations within the survey

They can all be subject to advanced customization and translation. To learn more, please refer to our article Extra content overview.

We recommend translating extra content once you have configured it in the survey’s original language.

After completing the translation of extra content, we recommend, as with survey elements, to limit modifications to avoid forgetting to translate updated or added elements.

Global translation of campaign extra content

To globally translate default extra campaign content, with the appropriate rights (found in our dedicated article), go to the 'Settings' section in the left sidebar of the platform. Then select 'Extra content' under the 'Campaigns' section.

Next, go to the 'Translate' tab and click on the "Add new language" button.

All that is left is to choose the target language and translate the various elements.

As detailed in our article on translation settings, there are three ways to perform the translation :

Your translations for campaign extra content are ready when all items are completed.

After this step, if these default campaign extra content items have been set up in campaigns, the displayed language will align with your language management settings to ensure availability for the right respondents.

Global translation of deployment extra content

To globally translate default deployment extra content, you must have the appropriate rights. Access the 'Settings' category in the left sidebar on the platform. Then select "Extra content" under the "Deployments" section.

Next, go to the 'Translate' tab and click on the "Add new language" button.

All that is left is to choose the target language and translate the various elements.

As detailed in our article on translation settings, there are three ways to perform the translation :

Your translations for deployment extra content are ready when all items are completed.

After this step, the displayed language of these items will align with your language management settings to ensure availability for the right respondents.

Translate Email and SMS templates

You have the option to translate the subject and content of your various email and SMS templates to efficiently manage multilingual aspects of :

  • Your email and SMS deployments
  • Your email and SMS notification actions
  • Your consumer response channel

If you want more information on these elements, feel free to consult our dedicated articles on email templates and SMS templates.

Translation of Email templates

To translate an email template, you must have the appropriate rights. Go to the left sidebar of the platform, access the 'Settings' section. Then, select 'Email templates' under the 'General' category.

Access your pre-configured and saved email template. Then, go to the 'Translate' tab and click the "Add new language" button.

Now, simply choose the target language and translate the various elements.

As detailed at the beginning of the article, you have 3 ways to complete the translation :

Your email template translations will be ready once they are fully completed.

After this step, if you have implemented these email templates in a deployment or a notification, the displayed language will align with your language management settings.

Translation of SMS templates

To translate an SMS template, you must have the appropriate rights. Go to the left sidebar of the platform, access the 'Settings' section. Then, select 'SMS templates' under the 'General' category.

Access your pre-configured and saved SMS template. Then, go to the 'Translate' tab and click the "Add new language" button.

Now, simply choose the target language and translate the various elements.

As detailed at the beginning of the article, you have 3 ways to complete the translation:

Your SMS template translations will be ready once they are fully completed.

After this step, if you have implemented these SMS templates in a deployment or a notification, the displayed language will align with your language management settings.

Translate campaign reports and customized reports

Translation is also possible for your campaign reports and customized reports (learn more about reports).

You can translate the indicator names as well as the various comments on each page. However, the data displayed in the indicator will always be in the original language of the report.

Page comments are handled as rich content and have formatting. Therefore, to avoid altering the graphical appearance of these elements, it is recommended to edit the textual content by replacing the original text with your translation.

To translate your campaign report or custom report, start by accessing it via the 'Analysis', 'Reports' then 'Campaigns' or 'Customized' in the left sidebar of the platform.

By default, the language of a report is not set. You need to access the report settings to choose the default display language. To do this, click on the settings wheel located in the upper right corner of your report.

In the 'General' section of the report settings, simply select the appropriate language from the dropdown menu detailing the original language of the report.

Once this is done, still in the report settings, go to the 'Translate' section and click on the "Add new language" button.

Here, you will have three options to complete your translations:

Your report translations are ready once they are fully completed.

After this step, the language displayed in the report sharing will match your language management settings.

Translate dashboards

When sharing a dashboard via URL or email (discover how to do it here), you can easily manage its display language :

  • for the dashboard name
  • for the filter names
  • for the indicator names
  • for the raw data names

However, the data displayed in the indicators and raw data will always be in the original language of the dashboard.

To translate your dashboard, start by accessing it via the 'Analysis' then 'Dashboards' in the left sidebar of the platform.

By default, the language of a dashboard is not set. You need to access the dashboard settings to choose the default display language. To do this, click on the settings wheel located in the upper right corner of your dashboard.

In the 'General' section of the dashboard settings, simply choose the appropriate language from the dropdown menu detailing the original language of the dashboard.

Once this is done, still in the dashboard settings, go to the 'Translate' section and click on the "Add new language" button.

Here, you will have three options to complete your translations :

Your dashboard translations are ready once they are fully completed.

After this step, the language displayed in the shared dashboard will always be the language configured in the browser of the person accessing the shared dashboard.

Translate the closed loop

If you have subscribed to the Closed Loop feature (more details here), you have the option to offer your actions and action plans in multiple languages.

The importance of managing translations in this feature is crucial for ensuring a consistent and internationally-oriented post-feedback activity.

Translating action plans allows you to manage the language of the plan and its exit statuses, while translating actions lets you manage the language of actions and Closed Loop statuses.

Closed loop action plan translation

To translate your Closed Loop action plan, start by accessing it through the 'Closed loop' section, then 'Action plans' in the left sidebar of the platform.

By default, the language of an action plan is not set. You must access the action plan's settings. To do this, first click on the settings gear in the upper right corner of your Closed Loop action plan.

In the action plan settings, under the 'Translate' section, click the "Add new language" button. Then, select the appropriate language from the dropdown detailing the original language of the action plan.

Here, you will have three options to complete the content of your translations : 

Your action plan translations are ready when they are fully completed.

Closed loop action translation

To translate your Closed Loop action, start by accessing it through the 'Closed loop' section, then 'Actions' in the left sidebar of the platform.

By default, the language of an action is not set. You must access the action's settings. To do this, first click on the settings gear in the upper right corner of your Closed Loop action.

In the action's settings, under the 'Translate' section, click the "Add new language" button. Then, select the appropriate language from the dropdown detailing the original language of the action plan.

Here, you will have three options to complete the content of your translations: 

Your action translations are ready when they are fully completed.



Why a respondent using a regional variant does not have access to the correct language in their survey ?

- As stated in our Requirements, we recommend always configuring translations in "standard" languages instead of "regional variants" because if the client uses a regional variant that you have not configured, they will not access the survey in the correct language. This issue can be avoided by opting for a standard language as it encompasses all of its regional variants.

I want respondents to choose the language of their survey.

- By default, it is not possible for a respondent to choose the language of their survey.

However, there is a workaround to achieve the same result. To do this, you simply need to create a first campaign that includes a dropdown list for language selection and a validation button. In parallel, you will need to create as many versions of your campaign as there are target languages. Lastly, it is important to note that this workaround will consume two feedback credits : the first for the survey where the respondent chooses their language, and the second for the survey in the chosen language.

I want to modify the translation of a default submit button

Unfortunately, it is not possible to modify the translation of default submit buttons. If you wish to fully customize the buttons, we recommend hiding them in your survey and configuring your own "Button" elements. These are fully customizable.

I would like to add a translation that is not yet available on the platform.

If you would like to add a new language that is not yet available on the platform, please submit a request to Skeepers Support with the CSV file listing the languages and the translated campaign elements. The request will be handled by the Skeepers technical team to deploy the language to all platform users within a month.


Congratulations, you can now manage the language of your surveys and shared elements on the Skeepers Feedback Management platform autonomously !


If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Customer Care team.


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