Take advantage of new performance measurements with the survey completed dimension and the completion rate !
Take advantage of new performancemeasurements with the Survey completed dimension and the Completion rate!
Using the Survey completed dimension and the Completion rate of completed surveys allows you to improve the performance of your surveys, but also the quantity and quality of the data collected.
In this article, learn how to use:
- The Survey completed dimension
- The Completion rate
What is a completed survey?
A survey is identified as completed if one of these two criteria is met:
- Your respondent accesses a survey page that does not contain a button. Learn more about buttons.
- Your respondent is redirected to an external url (via an action configured in your campaign). Learn more about the actions.
1) The Survey completed dimension
To use the Survey completed dimension, it is necessary to combine it with another dimension (e. g. with one or more campaigns, one or more deployments...). This will allow you to measure your respondents' engagement in participating in your survey until the end.
The configuration of the dimension is very easy.
Let's take an example.
Based on an existing report, we would like to uncover how many surveys have been fully completed according to the type of deployment used.
Click on "+" to add a new dimension,
Select the Survey completed dimension
In the dimension, two options appear: "Survey completed" and "Survey not completed". You can:
- Check both options: for example, if you want to compare on the same chart the number of completed surveys with the number of uncompleted surveys
- Check only one of the two options: to build a specific indicator, for example to create a statistic slide, based only on completed surveys.
For our example, we would like to use only the data from the completed surveys. We select this option.
Once the Survey completed is checked, simply click on the Apply button.
We obtain the number of fully completed surveys, by type of deployments (website, sms, email):
It's over!
For an effective analysis, all you have to do now is create as many statistic slides as necessary to build your report and share it with your colleagues (read the dedicated article).
To go further with our example, you could use this type of data to implement corrective measures, such as below:
- Prefer the most efficient deployment media to increase the number of solicitations via it and thus increase the overall number of answers from your campaigns
- Optimise your survey according to each deployment media: perhaps in some cases your survey is not adapted to the way your respondent is solicited? Read our article dedicated to deployments
- Create questions with a conditioned display based on the device used by your respondents (mobile, tablet, pc). Read our article dedicated to conditioning the display of questions
2) The Completion rate, a new performance calculation!
Use the new calculation Completion rate to go further in the analysis of your campaigns and to considerably improve the quality of your collected answers!
The Completion rate is useful for you to:
- Measure the performance of your survey in terms of respondents engagement
- Deploy campaigns in A/B test, then select the most effective to collect complete feedback
- Increase the number of data collected following the implementation of your improvements (formulation of questions, type of deployment...)
Let's take an example.
Within our statistical report, we have created a statistic slide to compare the number of answers collected per campaign.
To obtain this chart, we've selected, via the Campaigns dimension, the campaigns we wanted to study.
On our chart, Answers are currently displayed. We will modify this setting to display the Completion rate.
Click on the menu, then simply select the Completion rate.
On our chart are now displayed the values in percentage, which represent the Completion rate allowing us to analyse in a new way the performance of each of our campaigns!
Our NPS, CES and Persona campaigns get 100% of completed surveys. Our Callback, CSat and Promotion campaigns get respectively 30%, 50% and 70% of completed surveys .
That's it, you're done!
First elements of analysis for our example
In our case, it is clear that studying this rate is interesting in addition to analysing the number of collected answers. For example, we can say at first sight that:
- For NPS and Persona campaigns, the low number of answers is not due to customers who didn't complete the surveys, because the Completion rate is 100%.
Note: to obtain better results, it may be useful to ensure that the deployments chosen are best suited to each type of survey, or that the time when respondents are solicited is optimised to get the most visits on the surveys [...]
- For the Callback, CSat, CES and Promotion campaigns, the number of answers seems to have the same trend as the Completion rate (see visual below).
Points to consider: to increase performance (number of answers collected), it could be interesting to improve the attractiveness of the surveys or the time at which respondents are solicited, so that they take the time to fully answer each question [...]
To increase your results, don't forget to check our checklist for a perfect campaign.
Reminder of the different calculation rates:
- Feedback rate: ratio between the number of feedback collected and the number of visits to a survey
- Solicitation rate: ratio between the number of feedback collected and the number of solicitations to answer a survey
- Completion rate: ratio between the number of surveys started and the number of fully completed surveys