Manage the display language of surveys and shared items

After completing the configuration of your survey translations and/or other shared elements, you can learn in this article which default language is displayed by the platform according to the different possible configurations.

Whether for deploying your survey in the appropriate language or efficiently managing multilingual settings for your mailings and analysis sharing, this article details the default display management and its various alternatives.

Glossary of language management

The original language of a campaign is the language in which you wrote the questions and completed the survey elements. It is not defined by default, so you must select the appropriate language in the campaign settings as well as in the deployment settings.

A standard language is a universal version of a language (examples : French, English, Spanish, etc...). Selecting it will cover all its regional variants.

A regional variant is a form of the standard language specific to a region (examples : Canadian French, British English, Colombian Spanish, etc...). When selected, only respondents with this specific language setting will see the survey in this language. It does not cover other regional variants of the same standard language.

IP location detects the location and country from which the respondent accesses the survey if they have allowed Skeepers to know their location. If account permissions for this feature are active, you only need to enable it in the deployment settings.

Geolocation identifies the location by GPS coordinates from which the respondent accesses the survey if they have allowed Skeepers to know their location. If account permissions for this feature are active, you only need to enable it in the deployment settings.

The "lang" parameter in the URL and deployment tag is an international code used to specify a language in ISO 639-1 format for a standard language ("pt" for Portuguese) or in ISO 3166-1 format for a regional variant ("pt-br" for Brazilian Portuguese).


  • Completed the configuration of your element (campaign, dashboard, email template, etc...)
  • Defined an original language for your element
  • Integrated the different possible translations of your element (detailed configurations here)
  • Determined the deployment method for your element (campaign with email deployment, dashboard sharing by URL, etc...)

Language management options for each platform element

Platform elements Display language management
Survey and Extra content - Specific management according to configurations and in priority order (detailed in the next section)
Email or SMS template for sending surveys

- Original language of the email/SMS template


- Contact’s language


- Contact’s country language


- Force a specific language

Email or SMS template for notification action - Original language of the email/SMS template

Campaign report or

Custom report

- User or recipient’s language


- Force a specific language

Raw data visualization sharing - Configured language in the element
Alert email - User’s language

Manage the display language of a survey and its extra content

After integrating your campaign translations and its extra content, you can individually select the display language for what will be deployed. The priority order may differ depending on your campaign's deployment mode. Below is a table summarizing the default priority order by deployment type.

Campaign with URL Deployment Campaign with Email or SMS Deployment via Skeepers Campaign with External Email or SMS Deployment Campaign with Web, Application, Button, or InPage Deployment Campaign with QR Code Deployment

Priority 1

Language forced in the "Translation" field of the deployment settings

(choice based on already translated languages)

Priority 1

Language forced in the "Translation" field of the deployment settings

(choice based on already translated languages)

Priority 1

Language forced in the "Translation" field of the deployment settings

(choice based on already translated languages)

Priority 1

Language forced in the "Translation" field of the deployment settings

(choice based on already translated languages)

Priority 1

Language forced in the "Translation" field of the deployment settings

(choice based on already translated languages)

Priority 2

Language specified in the "lang" parameter of the URL

Priority 2

Respondent's browser language

Priority 2

Language specified in the "lang" parameter of the URL

Priority 2

Language specified in the "lang" parameter of the deployment tag

Priority 2

Respondent's browser language

Priority 3

Respondent's browser language

Priority 3

Campaign's original language

Priority 3

Respondent's browser language

Priority 3

Respondent's browser language

Priority 3

Respondent's browser language

Priority 4

Campaign's original language


Priority 4

Campaign's original language

Priority 4

Campaign's original language


Force the language in the "Translation" field of the deployment settings

If you choose to force a specific language in your deployment, it will override all other language configurations, including the "lang" parameter. This option is available for all deployment types.

To do this, simply go to the deployment linked to your campaign and click the "Settings" button.

Once in the deployment settings, in the 'General' section, scroll to the bottom. First, select the original language of the deployment (the one in which you wrote the survey) and then select the language to force. Save your changes.

You will only see in the dropdown list of languages to force those that have already been translated in the campaign linked to your deployment.

Complete the "lang" parameter of the URL

If you choose to force a specific language in the "lang" parameter of your URL or external Email and SMS deployment, there are several methods available.

If you want to manually add the "lang" parameter, simply retrieve the URL of your deployment, then add the "lang" parameter with the chosen language code at the end. You will also need to add the country code if you opt for a regional variant.

This method is especially recommended for external email or SMS deployment :

You will need to add the "lang" parameter directly in your emailing platform since modifying the deployment code externally is not natively available on the platform.

You can find the available "lang" parameters here: format ISO 639-1 for a standard language and format ISO 3166-1 for a regional variant.

You can also use the URL generator to find the language codes to use or collect the entire translated URL.

To do this, simply go to the deployment linked to your campaign and click the "URL generator" button (available in URL, external Email, and SMS deployments).

In the tracked URL generator, scroll down and complete the "Language of the survey" field.

To extract the language parameter "&lang=xx-XX". If you want to use this link to deploy your campaign, do not forget to enable the code before clicking the "Generate" button.

Examples :

  • Campaign forced in Chinese via the "lang" parameter: ""
  • Campaign forced in Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) via the "lang" parameter: ""

Before deploying your survey, make sure the language is correctly translated in your campaign, otherwise, the priority order described in this article will override the language to display.

Complete the "lang" parameter of the deployment tag

If you want to manually add the "lang" parameter in your web-integrated survey, simply retrieve the default deployment tag provided by the platform, find the code block that manages the language, and then add the "lang" parameter with the chosen language code at the end. You will also need to add the country code if you opt for a regional variant.

Start by accessing the deployment tag linked to your deployment via the "See Instructions" button, which appears when you modify your deployment domain.

Whether standard or SPA, scroll down the content of the tag until you find the following block :

lang : undefined, // You can force the language of the survey.

This block manages translation if you have translated your campaign into multiple languages. Leaving the tag as "undefined" will automatically set the display language according to the deployment settings and follow the priority order described in the precedent section of this article.

The placeholder “undefined” should be replaced with the language code.

You will need to configure the language-related code block directly in your deployment tag / script before implementing it on your website since modifying the web deployment tag is not natively available on the platform.

You can find the available "lang" parameters here: format ISO 639-1 for a standard language and format ISO 3166-1 for a regional variant.

Before deploying your survey, make sure the language is correctly translated in your campaign, otherwise, the priority order described in this article will override the language to display.

Manage the display language of an email or SMS template to send surveys via Skeepers

After integrating the translations of your email or SMS template, you have the option to select the display language of the email or SMS invitation to the survey that your contacts will receive. The steps are the same whether the deployment is via an integrated URL link or with the first question of the survey saved or pre-filled.

To do so, first create the email or SMS deployment via Skeepers from the campaign you wish to deploy. Once on the deployment configuration page, in the "Email templates" field, choose the appropriate template.

Make sure that, according to your configurations, your email or SMS template includes a URL variable ("[#url]") or a question variable ("[#campaign.question]") that will automatically integrate the tracked access link to your survey.

If you choose a template without the survey access variable or a template that follows a different format than the survey sending format, one of the following messages will appear in your deployment :

In the configurations of your deployment via Skeepers, you have 4 options for the display language of your survey invitation template : 

Before deploying your deployment via Skeepers, do not forget to properly configure your broadcast list and solicitation management.

Choose the original language of the email or SMS template

If you select the "Original template language" option, the language displayed when your contacts receive the email or SMS invitation to respond to the survey will be the one configured by default in your email or SMS template. This will be the content you created directly in the template, before translating it into other languages.

Choose the language of the contact in the broadcast list

If you select the "Contact's language" option, the language displayed when your contacts receive the email or SMS invitation to respond to the survey will be the one configured in their contact profile in the "Language" field. The display language will thus distinct for each contact.

Moreover, since this field must be filled out carefully when creating or importing the contact, we recommend that you verify that the selected language is appropriate, before sending.

If the contact's language has not been translated in the email/SMS template or if the contact does not have a defined language in their profile, by default, the contact will receive the invitation to respond to the survey in the original language of the email or SMS template.

Choose the language of the contact's country in the broadcast list

If you select the "Contact country's language" option, the language displayed when your contacts receive the email or SMS invitation to respond to the survey will be the one configured in their contact profile in the "Country" field. The display language will thus be unique and distinct for each contact.

Moreover, since this field must be filled out carefully when creating or importing the contact, we recommend that you verify that the selected country is appropriate, before sending.

If the country language of the contact has not been translated in the email/SMS template or if the contact does not have a defined country in their profile, by default, the contact will receive the invitation to respond to the survey in the original language of the email or SMS template.

Choose to force a specific language

If you select the "Force language" option, the language displayed when your contacts receive the email or SMS invitation to respond to the survey will be the one selected from the dropdown list after this choice.

The languages available in the dropdown list of languages that can be forced are all those that have been translated in the email or SMS template chosen for your deployment.

Manage the display language of an email or SMS template for notifications

After integrating the translations of your email or SMS template, you have the option to manage the display language of the email or SMS notification that your internal contacts or clients will receive. The language management is the same, whether the notification action is by email, by SMS, and whether the target is internal or external.

To do this, first create the action in your campaign by configuring the triggering conditions.

After selecting "Notify by email" or "Notify by SMS" in the creation of the "THEN" condition of your action, choose the appropriate template in the "Template" field,

Unlike other features, it is not possible to configure the display language of notification actions in detail.

The reason is that the language that will be displayed by default when your contacts receive the email or SMS notification will always be the one configured in the chosen email or SMS template for your action. It will be the content you created directly in the template, before translating it into other languages.

If you want to send similar notifications in multiple different languages, you will need to create as many notification actions and email/SMS templates as target languages. Additionally, it is sometimes essential to add conditions so that each recipient receives the notification in the appropriate language. To do this, you can add the following conditions, either separately or in combination :

  • Condition on a "language" attribute ; if an attribute has been added in the segment of your campaign beforehand
  • Condition on a specific location (country) ; if geolocation has been activated in your deployment settings
  • Condition on the respondent's browser language

Then finish configuring your action by specifying the different recipients of the notification and completing the link between the variables of your template and the information gathered in your survey. Do not forget to save your page.

Manage the display language of a campaign report or custom report

After integrating the translations of your campaign or custom report, you have the option to select the display language for the email report sharing that your contacts will receive. The steps are the same, whether it is a campaign report or a custom report (learn more about reports).

To do this, first create your report and configure it appropriately.

Then click the button labeled "Share the report by email" at the top right of your report.

In the right-hand panel that opens in your report, you have 2 options for the display language of your report :

Once the display language for the report is selected, you can complete the subject and message of the email in the original language of the report as well as in all the languages already translated in your report settings. Be sure to click each button with a flag to enter the translation for each display language you wish to deploy.


If the user's/recipient's country language has not been translated in the report, by default, the recipient will receive the email report sharing in the original language of the report.

After composing the subject and body of the email that your contacts will receive in the targeted language(s), do not forget to choose the files to attach to the report, enable sharing, and schedule recurrence.

Choose the user's or recipient's language

If you select the "Recipient language" option, the language of the graphs, value tables, and comments in the report that your contacts will receive will be the one configured in the user's or recipient's profile in the "Language" field. The display language will therefore distinct for each user or recipient. The content and subject of the email must be previously completed in the appropriate language to allow optimal display.

This language choice option is only available if you select "A user/recipient on my account" in the "Recipient" field.

The language chosen here is for the pages, graphs, value tables and comments of your report. The data displayed in the graphs and tables are not translated into the user's or recipient's language. They are always displayed in their creation language, that is, the original language of the report. Be sure to complete the content in each language used by the users and recipients of your account.

Choose to force a specific language

If you select the "Force language" option, the language of the graphs, value tables, and comments in the report that your contacts will receive will be the one selected in the dropdown after this choice. The content and subject of the email must be previously completed in the appropriate language for optimal display.

The language chosen here is for the pages, graphs, value tables and comments of your report. The data displayed in the graphs and tables are not translated into the forced language. They are always displayed in their creation language, that is, the original language of the report.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Customer Care team.


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