Create a dashboard

The dashboard is ideal for disseminating key indicators and managing your customer experience in real-time. 

Want to know more about dashboards? Feel free to check out our article What is a dashboard?

In the sidebar menu, go to the "Analysis" section and then "Dashboard". Click the "Create a new dashboard" button:


Start by giving your dashboard a name, it will be visible to your colleagues. We recommend adding a label to simplify your organization.

At the top right, you will find these icons allowing you to perform the following actions:

From left to right: 

  • Add an indicator
  • Add a raw data visualization
  • Add a filter
  • Add text
  • Resize and position indicators
  • Edit the dataset
  • Customize the dashboard
  • Export the dashboard as a PDF
  • Share the dashboard
  • Configure dashboard settings

Add an indicator

To add a chart to your dashboard, click the button:

You can choose to use an existing indicator from your library or create a new one specific to this dashboard.

To learn more about creating indicators, check out our dedicated article!

If you want to edit an existing indicator, click the button:


Then on “Edit the query”:


To rename the indicator, click the pencil icon in the dashboard.

If the indicator belongs to the library, edit the query to rename the indicator.

Add a raw data visualization

To add a raw data visualization, click the button:

You can choose to use an existing visualization from your library or create a new one specific to this dashboard.

Your dashboard can thus be enriched with a table of responses, for example, allowing you to add the list of verbatims to your dashboard.

To learn more about raw data visualizations, check out our dedicated article!

Add a filter

With filters you can filter all the indicators present in the dashboard. Several types of filters are available: period, attributes, campaigns, broadcasts, type of device used, or any other custom variable to suit your needs.

Click the button:

Then add the relevant filters available in the list. We recommend starting with the “Date” filter which is often useful in a dashboard.

When using a filter, it applies by default to all your indicators.

You can also make an indicator insensitive to the applied filters, especially if it serves as a reference to compare your overall results.

For example, freeze a chart representing the trend over the last 12 months, even if you use the “last month” filter for all your other indicators.

To do this, click on:

Then select “Customize” and uncheck the filters you do not want to apply to this indicator.

Using linked attributes in filters :

You can filter your dashboards with linked attributes. The filter positioned furthest to the left takes precedence over the following linked attribute filters.

For example, if we filter a dashboard with the linked attributes “Region” and “City”, and the region attribute is positioned on the left: then when a region is selected, the cities linked to this region will be automatically checked in the “City” filter.

Add text

You can add text to your dashboards to facilitate reading, by creating section titles for example or adding a reading aid note for your colleagues.

Click the button:

A space will be dedicated to you. Simply click on the button below to edit the dedicated space.

You can also change the format of the text and add an image if necessary.

Resize and position indicators

To resize your indicator, click the button:

To resize: place your cursor in the bottom right corner of your indicator. When your cursor changes to a diagonal arrow, hold the click to resize your indicator:

To drag and drop: place your cursor anywhere on your indicator, your cursor will change to a double arrow. Hold the click to move your indicator to your desired location.

Don't forget to apply and save when your modification is complete.

Customize a dashboard

To create a harmonious dashboard, configure the default settings for all your indicators. The configuration will apply to all indicators on the dashboard.

You can then make specific configurations for each indicator by clicking the button:

All that's left is to customize it:

Adjust display settings

You can configure the display of an indicator's values:

  • “Number of Decimals”: Choose the number of decimals displayed;
  • “Show Values”: Display points on a chart. We recommend unchecking this option above 40 points to maintain optimal display time and readability;
  • “Display Mode”: By default, the display of values is optimized, which means if there are too many values for optimal display, some values will not be shown. If you uncheck this option, all values will be displayed at the risk of reduced readability.

You can configure the display of the chart axes:

  • By default, the scale of the axes adapts to the values. For example, if your NPS is between 28 and 37, the scale will be between 20 and 40 and not between -100 and 100 to better visualize changes. The scale adapts to the data displayed at that moment in the chart.

You can set a manual value, but note that you will need to update it as necessary.

You can configure data access:

  • It is possible to authorize the viewing or downloading of response exports associated with these indicators. Your collaborators will be able to view and export responses from the dashboard by clicking the button

or on a chart series.

Design settings

You can finely customize the appearance of the chart elements:

  • Indicator: background color, indicator border
  • Title: size, thickness, color, and font choice
  • Legend: size, thickness, color, and font choice
  • Colors

Feel free to modify the design of your chart elements to match your branding!

You can use a color palette of your choice or a monochrome palette consisting of several shades of the same color. The palette will display the series in the palette's color.

To add your chosen color, directly enter the HTML color code or click the circle to display a color selector, then use the circle to select the color.

To force the color by series, click directly in the chart legend and select the color by series. If a color is forced by series, it will always be in that color, regardless of the number of series displayed.

We recommend using this option for display rules based on scores.

Export a dashboard to PDF

Export your dashboard to PDF by clicking the button:

Then select the format suitable for your use, especially if printing the PDF.

If you want to export only one indicator, click the button:

Then choose the export format of your choice:


Share a dashboard

Your dashboard is a management tool that allows you to involve your collaborators around your experience or customer satisfaction issues. To set up sharing, click the button:

Then select your preferred sharing method:

Configure dashboard settings

You can access dashboard settings by clicking the button:

This space will allow you to:

  • Rename the dashboard
  • Add a label to your dashboard to facilitate your organization
  • Define an original language
  • Add a logo and manage its size
  • Choose automatic dashboard refresh: In this case, your dashboard will refresh every 5 minutes and not only when the link is loaded.

You can also translate your dashboard: indicator names, query names, text added to the dashboard. The responses will take the translations you have already added to your campaign. To learn more about translating the campaign, read our dedicated article!

Pin a dashboard on homepage

In the list of dashboards created on your account, by clicking on the opt-in located in the "Pin on homepage" column, you can provide easy access to your dashboard for all users of the account.


Once pinned, a dashboard will be accessible in read-only mode (as with sharing) directly from the homepage upon logging into the platform.

To make changes to the dashboard, you need to navigate to the 'Analysis' category and then 'Dashboards' in the left-hand menu.

We recommend pinning only dashboards that are relevant to the majority of account users or those requiring regular and significant monitoring.

To unpin a dashboard, simply click again on the opt-in located in the "Pin on homepage" column.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our Customer Care team.

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