Some terms that might help you to create your first projects on Skeepers!
You already know all the tricks of your business. However, Skeepers offers you to go further to exceed your limits, so that each of your customers, prospects or simple visitors can benefit from a tenfold experience at your side, compared to that experienced with your competitors.
Without going back to the basics, there are maybe some terms that we use on the platform, that you are maybe not familiar with, whereas you already use them on a daily basis under other names. We suggest that you browse through them in a few explanatory lines.
Note: ask your Customer Success Manager for access to the Skeepers Academy program for a perfect mastery of the solution!
Terms covered in this article:
👉 Attribute, segment, attribute code, flag, label, category, tag, label, property, variable, internal value.
ATTRIBUTE: it allows you to qualify your population, which means that you can add contextual data specific to each of your respondents (e. g. customer ID, gender, age, amount of the last order...).
The attributes will be useful to you for:
- script/customise the questions asked throughout the campaign.
- analyse the results by "segmenting" the responding population with personal and contextual information.
The prerequisites: Build a relevant tracking plan for each of your campaign. By asking yourself the questions: what information can I get back? Among them, which are essential for the scripting of surveys and the segmentation of answers.
Creation :
In the tracking menu or when creating a campaign.
Use as a filter in your Dashboards/Reports: yes/yes.
Learn more about the attributes
SEGMENT: a segment allows you to define and describe a group of respondents (e. g. segment of customers subscribing to the premium offer). Attributes are attached to each of your segments. The segments will be useful to you for:
- attach/group a set of attributes to a campaign.
- segment your respondents.
The prerequisites:Define target groups of respondents, based on criteria defined according to your campaign objectives.
Creation :
In the tracking menu or when creating a campaign.
Use as a filter in your Dashboards/Reports: yes/yes.
ATTRIBUTE CODE: it allows you to automatically add the technical values of your email sending tool, to match them to the Skeepers attributes.
This makes it easier for you to automatically generate a tracked URL.
Once configured you can click on "Use code" during:
- the generation of a tracked URL.
- the creation of a tracked html code.
The prerequisites: Know the code of the customisation variables to call in your email sending tool.
Creation :
The code must be entered when the attribute is created (it is associated with the attribute).
To be created before the collection of answers because it is not retroactive.
Use as a filter in your Dashboards/Reports: no/no.
Learn more about url and html tracked codes
FLAG: it makes it possible to identify a respondent who would behave in a typical way (e. g. a client who provides a good NPS score and who wishes to benefit from a sponsorship offer for his relatives).
You can use a flag to:
- segment the responding population (in your statistics) by highlighting typical behaviour.
The prerequisites: Know the personas you want to identify in order to (for example) report the information in your CRM.
Creation :
In the Action tab of your campaign.
To be created before the collection of answers because it is not retroactive.
Use as a filter in your Dashboards/Reports: yes/yes.
LABEL: labels allow you to organise your campaigns using keywords. Thus the search and sorting of your campaigns is simplified (e.g.: filter according to the name of the creator of the campaign, the related commercial operation, the type of objective expected...).
Uses :
- in the campaign menu, to filter campaigns by label more easily find them.
- in statistics, to organise your reports and alerts.
The prerequisites: Define a nomenclature and management rules to ensure that the filters are effective.
Creation :
In the campaign settings (label) and in the settings of your report.
Even if we advise you to create them from the beginning, the labels are retroactive, so you can add them after the creation of a campaign or report. Use as a filter in your Dashboards/Reports: no/yes.
CATEGORY : it allows to assign a profile, a category, according to a series of collected answers. According to a specific type of questions asked (e.g. for a marketing quizz "What type of CRM Manager are you?"), classify respondents into profile A, B or C, according to the most/less represented answer category.
Use the categories to:
- script questions/pages and/or when creating flags (statistics).
- enrich your marketing personae.
The prerequisites: Define a principle of MCQ, decision tree or logical sequence to constitute the category.
Creation :
In the parameters of an answer modality in a checkbox.
Use as a filter in your Dashboards/Reports: no/no (use the flags for this use).
Learn more about the categories
TAG: it allows you to group questions of the same type through different campaigns, to create a statistical indicator linked to your business (e.g. if your business concerns leisure/travel, fill in the "Budget" tag on questions relating to your customers' holiday budget, whether they have answered the "Travel promotion to the Canaries" campaign or the "New destination identification" campaign).
- cross-reference data from several segments or campaigns in order to have a consolidated view (tags are retroactive).
The prerequisites:
Master consolidation criteria and objectives in order to have a consistent approach to tag application.
Write a consolidation plan.
Creation :
In the advanced settings of your items (questions).
Use as a filter in your Dashboards/Reports: yes/yes.
PROPERTIES: Properties are data that is peripheral to your campaigns, deployments and contacts. They act as metadata to group several items together in a global way. Properties are commonly named with business names.
They are used to share, filter and authorise access to some of your data (e. g. add the Team, Position and Department properties to your users, and share your NPS campaign reports with a single click exclusively to the marketing team managers in New York).
Example of use:
- in statistics, when exporting data, define a share based on properties.
Prerequisites: Create metadata for headings: campaigns, deployments, contacts.
Creation :
In the general settings of the account.
Use as a filter in your Dashboards/Reports: no/no.
Learn more about properties (sharing dashboards)
VARIABLES: variables are customisation items that you can add to your surveys, deployments, reports, emails...
Use them to customise for example:
- the title of a question with the respective first names of your respondents.
- the name of an export of your answers.
- a question based on the answer to the previous question...
Creation :
In the title of the questions/ the body of an email / rich content, by pressing #.
Use as a filter in your Dashboards/Reports: no/no.
Learn more about the variables
INTERNAL VALUE: it allows you to indicate a business value to a question, invisible by your respondents, but very useful to exploit your data. It can be a reference, a professional term, an accronym ... (e.g. the internal value of the question "How satisfied are you with your first purchase" could be "SAT-1ST-PURCHASE").
Creation :
In the parameters of a answer mode, in a checkbox.
Use :
In the statistics (tick in the dimension'Internal value' instead of'Label'), the internal value can be renamed after the collection of your answers, even if we advise you to create it first.
Use as a filter in your Dashboards/Reports: yes/yes.